
I see what you did there.

There goes K-State's nuclear energy program.

Players like the OU guy need to removed from college football. No second chances, no he's just a kid. He was reckless and could have killed or paralyzed the Kansas State player.

I always knew Floyd Mayweather beat women.

Isn't this really the biggest lapse here, what was clearly an effort to dupe the campaign into not responding by downplaying the story, saying you just wanted to "talk about Gardner's football playing and the lessons of the single wing"? If your writer would have just been honest and said "we're about to publish a

The overall point is that, in your haste to write a hit piece on a Republican, you eschewed all journalistic standards. You'd never have run the story, or even looked into it, were Udall accused of lying. I come to this site to read about sports, not to be lectured to by a collection of hyperventilating leftists.

No, the sad truth is your writer, and his editor, and this website, in its zeal to try to be relevant and earn some points with the left leaning, liberal-biased mass media, tried to pass off a hachet job on a Republican candidate for Senate as unbiased and newsworthy. And because your stupid inquires to the media rep

this story had the feel of one where the author really, really wanted to beleive it was true rather than viewing it objectively

Oh, I don't disagree that Dave McKenna's a rabid dog on a rusty chain, but Tom Scocca's story makes sense (I'm pretty sure everyone plays both ways outside of like, Texas, Florida and California), they had two local sources corroborating the story, and they checked Lexis and dug around on his past. It really did seem

Thank you for explaining, though with all due respect (and obviously I do respect this place) I don't think the story should have run even if the source didn't revise his statement. Wednesday's original story acknowledged that Gardner might have played for the frosh team, yet it was filed to LIARS and the first line

Guess you missed Senator John Walsh and his admitted plagiarism, Teddy Kennedy's fine job of driving a young woman into the drink and abandoning her, let alone Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women. But, I guess to you, they are not shitbags, they are just like minded individuals.

Can't be honest even in this piece. You were feed a lie from Gardner opponents campaign. Dave McKenna was in such a rush to trash a Republican he didn't really care about checking out the facts of the story and took one person word for it. Thats called being a hack. McKenna should be fired for being such a crappy hack

[frantically deletes draft for this Saturday]

the only thing for us to do now is to eat shit

Breaking: Does Cory Gardner even have a Garden?

This is the mark of a good reporter. You made a fuckup, you explained why, and apologized. That's the mature thing to do that any adult in the real world would do, and what any workplace expects.

Thank you for mentioning that — I don't think I would have seen that story otherwise. (Serious - not sarcasm). What an embarrassment.

The dates do match up:

During pretrial, Nisbet's aviators tan gave him away has a sure flight risk.

Reynolds Thinks Seran Got a Bad Wrap.