@derby dame: I've had my car stolen in the past, while I was unemployed. It was pretty awful. So I understand.
@derby dame: I've had my car stolen in the past, while I was unemployed. It was pretty awful. So I understand.
@Gavagirl: Well said. This exactly!
@Benjamin Grumbles: I apologize for offending you with my horrendously offensive use of lighthearted profanity.
@Benjamin Grumbles: Bitch, please. Just because one (famous) woman makes a choice doesn't mean she's reflecting on 3 billion other people with vaginas. Funnily enough, no one ever claims that Terry Richardson is "demeaning the entire male gender" with his creepy molester shit.
@Caeristhiona.the.Fresh.Prince.of.JezeBelAir: I think I'm in love with you.
@Whitetrashsteve: This is very true.
Re: Kirsten Dunst's purse. Four years in prison for snatching it? Really?
@kad9k: Holy shit. This is blowing my mind. Glenn Beck is HUGE in my state and people take him really seriously. His politics have literally become state law multiple times.
@yessi: Well it's kind of his marriage that we're talking about.
@womanoftheyear: Kayne's more fun to read anyway. I deleted fity from my feed.
@bride of funkenstein: I don't think that's true. Dolly wrote most of her own songs and she's the most successful woman of all time in country music. She also has a huge international following, especially in europe. She clearly has plenty of fans who appreciate her.
Oh please, Jesus, no.
To all the commenters who have pointed out that if women follow this advice, these male-dominated firms will have no reason to change and no one to promote -
@A Small Turnip: At least they're adults. Seeing a confused little kid endure that was twice as horrible.
It's only a matter of time until everybody even remotely famous has to sign a Twitter clause in their employment contracts.
@sissylarue: It deserves to win Paparazzi Photo Of The Year.
@bobella (ITSAPROCESS): But would that which we call a Kayne tweet, by any other name, still smell as sweet?
@Lemon: That's an interesting perspective. Bella was so passive that she seemed like a nonentity, so Sookie definitely looks good compared to her.
@anna.molly: Seriously, he does the 'ridiculous rich rapper tweet' so much better. You have nothing on kayne, fity. Nothing!