
@ashleelisbeth: Same. She's a much better heroine that Sookeh.

@Penelope: Yeah, the vampire blood thing is a continuity issue.

@48crash: Holly offerred to "go to the clinic" with her, but Arlene refused because she thinks it's "just plain wrong".

@Lemon: Agreed, the fight was fucking awesome but that doesn't have much to do with how her character is written otherwise.

I imagine there's quite a market for drugs that have spent time in Paris's lady flower.

I think I gave up on Sookie's character completely when Russell and Eric started feeding on her.

@Mochafairiemonster: I guess I just have to accept that there will always be patronizing commenters with no sense of humor around to keep me in line, now that Jezebel has become so huge.

I swear to God, I am going to assassinate Chris Brown if I don't stop reading his goddamn motherfucking whiny bitch tweets.

@SomeAuthorGirl: so true. His tweets are like a time machine to 2001.

@queenliz: Not necessarily. Is a street-walking sex worker really any safer?

@Lorin: Yeah, they really can't be blamed. Also, women did not have brains or lives until sometime in the mid 1990's.

@logiccosmic: That's a very logical explanation. It all makes sense now!

"One can only hope some it can serve some preventative utility."

Very astute commentary. I think this is why I've always been slightly uncomfortable with westernized reincarnation.

This is a very upper-middle-class conundrum.

@Claudia Hermione: Good point. What would I do without the positive police?

@Claudia Hermione: Myself and another commenter were discussing Juliette Lewis' hatred of porn in the larger context of second-wave feminism.