
@Claudia Hermione: Um...thank you for explaining that some people like some things, and some people don't. How insightful.

@thechedda: The appeal is being rich and famous and having your existence validated by everyone knowing who are you and what you're doing.

@Mr. B.: Good points, but that book also contained the line "at 30, she was still attractive" and plenty of other "This book was written by a man, for men" moments.

I'm kind of sad that Juliette Lewis hates all porn. I love her, and she probably looks down on me and my sleaze-infested, porn-watching generation of bad feminists.

Oddly, I feel really sorry for Heidi. I know she's Paris 2.0 but she's infinitely more pathetic.

@flirty.dirty.and.nerdy: It's a nice rhyme and all, but Heidi seems like one of the most miserable people in Hollywood...which is saying a lot.

Jesus, Rich. I had no idea you were such an eloquent writer. More where this came from, plz!

@LouisiAnna: I'm the same way. I hate boring "I'm just so normal! LOL" celebrity personas. I'd rather have Gaga in drag making up bullshit stories any day.

@superflysquirrel: Agreed. It's like they used two different people for the top and the bottom half of the coat. It looks awful.

@madikita: I agree with this. I read the books between seasons 2 and 3, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that Alan Ball will do anything to keep Bill from getting sidelined. He's inserting his character into story arcs where he doesn't belong and fucking everything up.

@Natasha Phillips: Don't get me wrong, I love Tara, but she's spent the majority of season 3 tied up and crying and making trembly WTF faces. She couldn't even kill Franklin - she needed a man to do it for her.

@lyzmoon: Oh my god, I forgot about that. Whoever wrote that line should be fired immediately.

Dodai's right. I can't pinpoint it, but something has gone wrong with this show.

@volcanoesmeltme: Good for you. I think in situations where it's so blatantly inappropriate, being assertive is the best tactic.

One time I was huddled in a corner of a coffee shop with a friend, on a couch. We were deep in conversation and facing the wall.

@tpalumbi: Time and place, dude. As was already mentioned in the article, social gatherings are more appropriate than grocery stores, and pay attention to body language.

@TulipJefferson: Haha...It's so misguided it's hilarious. Like, he deserves an "Worst pick-up-line failure in history" button.

@MmeSosostris: It's more than a little insulting that you think she (or all women) can't tell the difference between friendly/normal conversation and a come-on. Most of us are pretty good at picking up on subtle social cues.

How do you split "amicably" after ten fucking months of marriage? That seems more like a scatter-his stuff-on-the-lawn (while the neighbors watch) kind of timeline.