Daring Do

I bought and loved Avril’s first two albums, and they were the soundtrack to the first few years of my undergrad degree commuting in and out of the city. I still think that her second album with “My Happy Ending” and “Nobody’s Home” were her best work; everything after that felt like a bit of a regression to me.

I was a 30yo guy listening to this on an airplane in 2007. Old Samsung flip phone (the darth vader phone, last of the flip phones) didn’t shut off music if the headphone jack came unplugged, it just flipped to speaker. That phone (SCH-A930) had a really loud speaker. The whole plane got to share in my slightly awkward

Whoa, hold up, is this one of those Real People ads?

They’re not wrong.

If it happened in the states, the owner of the Infinity would probably be charged for leaving his keys in the car....

This is too simple. See that yellow line? Don't touch it!!!!!!

It’s never a bad day when you drive a Skoda Octavia RS!

Every goddamn day there’s another article about some territorial white suburban fuck going rabid over someone trespassing into the imaginary bubble they extend around themselves. How about you just finish growing up and learn to cope with the fact that other people exist instead of working yourself into a lather every

My grandma had a chinese family down the street that used to park in her handicap spot out front of her house a few times a week. She never would call the police or get the car towed because she didn’t want to cause problems with the neighbors. So my brother and I would go over there in the morning and box their car

Preferably whilst blasting either the Miami Vice or Top Gun soundtrack.

I agree. If they had done this to Obama,  people here would be furious. I want to celebrate this (because she’s terrible), but this just gives them fuel for their persecution complex.

In that case, the Darwinian solution is to eliminate vehicles since these didn’t evolve biologically.

So your solution is to somehow train the entire world to stop being obsessed with their phone and pay attention? I think this is going to turn out to be very difficult. I do hope you succeed though.

Thanks for this. I’ve made some Art Schlichter jokes at some recent fantasy football drafts, only to get blank looks by most of my opponents. People make a big deal out of T.O., but Art Schlichter is the real fuckup.

“The bicycles were intended to introduce young riders to the Harley-Davidson brand and were styled to look like the company’s motorcycles.“

“The bicycles were intended to introduce young riders to the Harley-Davidson brand and were styled to look like the company’s motorcycles.“