Daring Do

I am an Angels fan and it pains me to say this, though I have been saying it for three years now, but I hope the team trades Trout. As the headline says, he doesn’t deserve this shit. He could be the GOAT, and he is going to wallow away his career elevating terrible Angels teams to a .500 record. I would argue Trout

Just to clarify, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing 56 mph, or 87 mph. Don’t cruise in the passing lane.

How is everyone supposed to know how great I’m doing like that? I need a 3 year old, off-lease, base 3-series to let everyone know I’m better than them.

Yeah, I loved the one about ‘reviving’ a previously successful American car to save GM....Tests ensued and none of their parking brakes would hold on the incline test. Resonated for me.

“I wasn’t born yet” is never a defense for not knowing things.

Just ask Billy Joel.

Counterpoint: if it’s raining, maybe you should be going 25 in a 40. Most cars on the road are poorly maintained, and civil engineers will tell you you should probably slow waaaay down in the rain.

My point is I also wouldn’t buy a POS Ford 150.

Pictured: Geo Metro Convertible after 8mph crash

“Jalop drives way more cars than you, I trust what they are saying over a defensive owner any day.”

Uh no. He is saying that Alanis blew the review, and he provides good reasons why.

Nope, I own a Mercedes and 2 BMWs!

She is totally wrong. She says the car doesn’t perform as a sports sedan having never actually evaluated it’s handling or performance. It specifically says in the review that she never got to drive it on a good road. The methodology of the review was totally flawed.

If fact, I would even go so far as to say that the “D” grade for enthusiast driving totally does this car a disservice.