
The only real way to get around this - is as the article suggests - a different way of thinking. Nationalism needs to end in order for us to be able to move forward. Borders divide us both geographically, and humanely. It's either we stay divided, or we recognize our similarities - as a species - and come together for

"Yet this is what current science is propelling us toward is it not? Controlling our environment, bending nature to our will. I believe that science is searching for god, it's just a god of our own making. This is not a bad thing by itself, but it can be and is dangerous."

Two different ways of describing the same story. Science and spirituality aren't that far apart in that regard.

As much as I love to rip on Christensen in those films, the Sand People massacre in Attack of the Clones and his subsequent freakout back on the Lars Homestead were great, if you take it as that being the point where Vader was really born. Should have been written as such. Oh Lucas...why...just so much why?


Sounds like the problem I have with 'The English Patient'. I love dissecting it; hate reading it.

Oh Quentin suffered. Quentin's largest struggle through the entire series is with being able to look at and deal with himself. Alice goes on about this, as does Mayakovsky, and Janet makes note of it briefly. His transition from ass-hat to functional human being took a while, and he continued to fuck up along the way

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

"Let's try to control nature!" They said.