
I generally feel the same, but I loved that he went after the fact that the room was full of people who benefited from relationships with Weinstein and Epstein, and the fact that at the end of the day many of these actors accept millions from multinational corporations whose ethics are the opposite of the ‘woke’

Michelle Williams went there. :O

Seriously. I’m so tired of this “woe is me” bullshit from celebrities. 

It doesn’t surprise me that a white Cuban is racist. Colorism and racism is STRONG in Latin culture. I hope this tanks her career. She is so undeserving of what she has and it would not surprise me if the Latino community (which I am a part of) forgives her. As someone on twitter said, non-Black people should not be

Makes total sense that he’s a Sagittarius.

No, that was actually Edward Norton in all those movies you saw.

I HAAAAATE when people don’t respect boundaries. It’s infuriating and frustrating to tell someone ‘X makes me uncomfortable’ and have them just dismiss those feelings.  

Hey, salinger77, buddy? Give us a fucking break, troll.

I know it’s an armchair diagnosis, but it sounds like he’s got some OCD type issues. And he was pretty clear about how it affected him. Telling him to rub some dirt on it and stay in the game probably isn’t the most sensitive reaction.

After reading the Variety article there doesn’t seem to be any comment from Adam Driver or his publicist about the ‘incident’ so we don’t even know if the clip thing is why he walked out. If it is, the only side of the story we get is from NPR which, cool.

Oh, troll, who do you think you’re fooling? Do better. Do much better.  This was a terrible imitation.

He’s not talking about actually performing poorly, he’s talking about being a perfectionist who can’t stand to see a performance he can no longer tweak. It’s fine if another performer doesn’t relate, they’re not all the same person.

1. That’s a really, really false comparison
2. You can enjoy the work of making something and still struggle with perfectionism RE the final product, especially when you’re not the editor
3. As the article repeatedly states, he was there promoting a movie that is not Star Wars, and in fact is a very different type of

There are laws. For a reason. They apply (or ought to apply) equally. THAT is the equality that was fought for. Now, however, some people don’t want that much equality.

“We don’t really understand why he left,”

I also don’t blame him. They were aware it made him uncomfortable back in 2015 and decided to do it anyway which is kind of a dick move. People have their reasons for creating boundaries for themselves which is frankly none of our business and it comes off as icky when they ignored that boundary. 

He has phobia about  it, i am sure they knew about it and still they did it. 

No means no.

Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.

It’s not being a diva to enforce a boundary that was intentionally ignored.