
“Furthermore if she would have kept reading and researching, she would have realized that as storm gained in popularity the comics began to lighten her skin.”

This is brilliant.

She still seems to be missing the point about why people were upset in the first place.


A little louder for those in the back.

I don’t think that’s the argument the OP was attempting to make...

Agh! Why you took them out of the greys!

Stop while you’re ahead.


I...am. Wtf, Morgan Freeman.


You seem to have all the answers to everything.

Well said.

“...from my experience, folks of black & white parentage who find intellectual & technical exercises to avoid a black identity, usually want to wave bye-bye...”

“Both times he wanted to know if there was a difference between HPV and HIV,” Gates said. “So I was able to explain that those were rarely confused with each other.”

Which is where?

Nope, it obviously hasn’t because it’s still happening in some of the most diverse neighborhoods. I live in a Brooklyn and I’ve seen it. It’s out of control.

I’m so sorry. People are just horrible.

Microaggression reaches peak status.

That’s pretty much it.