Chaka Khan

This is the problem of low expectations. Should we celebrate every old white man who does the thing he should be doing? Do I appreciate that he said this in the 60s and now? Yes. I am saying he should stop? No. I am dismissing this dumb article and the lazy praise for acting like this is some great act of

So a white dude who speaks out against racism is suddenly the bar for being "the wokest"? Isn't that like the bare minimum that should be expected of white people?

You are right. I do not want to erase years of relationships with women. He should be bisexual or pansexual. I see no reason that would conflict with the 75 years of history you reference. Do you see why he is unable to be attracted to men and women, or even to find gender a false category of division and thus prefer

When looking at the history of mainstream media objects there has been a decidedly lacking success rate at having main queer characters. So maybe until that happens, demanding for queer representation from any object be it new or existing is necessary. Also, why must there be limitations and qualifications placed on

I am having a hard time seeing the foundational relationship between Rolfe's sexism and queer fans hash tagging for queer representation. The passing acknowledgement of it being more positive is nice, but at its base there is a struggle for complex and widespread representation of othered peoples that is only ever

"The Cay" fucked with me for most of 6th grade. Could not get it out of my head.

The direction and editing felt very laziness and lacked the energy and focus of Clone Wars. However, the story and characters work really well and their relationship to the larger Star Wars universe is on point (I got a little teary eyed with Obi-Wan).

Had a horrible day teaching a class on Soviet Montage (a failed pedagogy, not bad students) and was very frustrated with my work as an educator and with what I had accomplished in grad school. I go to the train station after class and sit on a bench in the far corner to get away from all the people. And that is when

Could we not with the flamboyant, spa lovers are gay thing? Should we also tell Wu to man up? He totally has a thing for Mako, that is apparent. But wanting that spa day is something we should all strive for, not just if you like penis. It sounds amazing.