Yes, it’s called “Almost any of Melissa McCarthy’s movies”.
Yes, it’s called “Almost any of Melissa McCarthy’s movies”.
Monroe was a size 6 or maybe even 8. Men today, on the magazines on TV in movies, are expected to look hot. Look at Pratt, did he have “dadbod” in Guardians? The fat dad guy on TV thru the years, was he really considered or portrayed as hot? Was Fred Flinstone, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffen, the Honeymooners guy, the…
Kathy Bates. and I like burgers for lunch.
More interesting and socially relevant is Amber’s use of the n word. Isn’t that kind-of a problem?
Black Widow vs IronMan Tony was a slut on screen? IDK, he had sex that one time in his first movie, then forever chases and pines after Pepper. He calls himself a playboy, but that’s different from what two actors joked about in real life. Who knows, maybe they think IronMan is a slut too. Maybe they said “slut” but…
Talk like adults? In other conversations, when threats are issued THAT becomes the WHOLE ISSUE, but here we all need to “talk like adults and give the arguments their due”. Double standard much? But whatever let’s get into it.
if the threat can be traced to feminists, does this prove that sending threats is ALL THEY ARE ABOUT? “Equality for women” is just heir “ethics in journalism” claim, right? Just using many people’s logic(?) against them.
That was funny. It was what a real rape culture would be like.
So are there different types of burgers too with differing experiences or.... we’re ignoring that? b/c privilege? you sure? ok.
More than likely her “feminist stances” are entirely self-serving. As has been pointed out, she seems to side with whomever is most like her. That means women, not just well-off white women (ummm, heard her thoughts on Hillary C. and Nancy P.?). It’s possible her antagonistic stance is just to get that “Fox news…
I feel like this article should have “Sponsored by Netflix” on it.
I’m not seeing how this lady was “driven to not blowing by selfish lovers”. She says very clearly she’s not doing that because she doesn’t like it. Ok, fine. That’s not the worst thing in the world but it doesn’t make her a hero. She, like the author, seem obsessed with “getting [themselves] off”, and as such don’t…
if all those thoughts are going to amount in this business are threats made against the people making and talking about video games, then we may as well burn it all down and start over.
He got attacked on twitter by crazy gamers? I thought that only happened to feminist girl gamers b/c of girls in games, right?
Every few days my prostate gland fills with semen and from this life is possible therefore GOD LIVES IN MY BALLS. Amen.
Wait, I'm confused. IG allows fully shown penises (and other nudity) but not menstrual blood? What is their position on other bodily fluids? If they don't allow pics of semen is that a sign of deep seeded male hatred? What about pee and poop? I mean, the body does it naturally GEEZ!
Disagree. The author didnt say "some could find this problematic or sexist", he said "this IS problematic and sexist." This is exemplified by the obsession with some phantom sexual assault that never happened, and the endless rhetoric about how "men never cry and are never vulnerable, and they're all so over their…
More bullshit. What makes you say "it looks like the Joker is going to sexually assault her"? Is he holding his erect dick or something? Cause it seems you're just tacking that on. Seems to me he just as likely would murder her, or cripple her, or whatever. In the Killing Joke, yes taking naked pics is sexual assault,…
$12 million REAL dollars or GTA dollars?
By Adam Sandler standards, this looks really good. (It helps he seems to have a semi-decent cast, AKA the oppositeof Grown-Ups)