DaRe 3000

A friend told you this was passive-aggressive, and I'd have to agree. Even if the guy was horny or whatever, you don't wake up your partner if you don't have to. Go jack off on the couch or in a chair or on the toilet or just stand up. Making the bed shake and waking your partner is rude, and then telling them that,

Interesting comment on standards of beauty vs a personal definition of beauty. I think you really have to separate the two, because it's unlikely you'll satisfy both simultaneously. The standard of beauty (which is different culture to culture, so I assume she means American culture) does allow for many forms of

Seems like the theater should have some kind of hair rule one way or the other, so people can avoid these types of confrontations. Because while the guy shouldn't have gotten rude or racist, it did start with him making a polite an reasonable request. "Fuck you and your short non-seeing wife. I wear my hair how I

On the other hand, you could flip that and say the author doesn't care if she inconveniences someone else, and they just need to deal with it. It was wrong of the guy to lapse into rudeness, but it started with him politely asking someone to pull down their hair (he should've added "if you can") and them basically

Amazing. Like a combination of Mario and the Matrix.

Captain America is a white guy, right?

Talented, yes that's one way to look at it. Another way?: Look how cheap our production studio is!

I don't know if the chick is racist, since "we don't want non-members or people we don't know wearing our shirts" is a good enough reason, I guess. I mean, maybe they don't like that he's black, but you really don't have enough evidence to support that, so I think it's irresponsible to just throw that out there and in

I'm not pro silencing woman-voices or anything, but...

I know this letter and most emails of this nature are pretty trite and shallow, but I'm surprised at the tone in the "On heath (thinness)" part. Cut out the part about "your face will brighten" and it seems like a call for genuine health for genuine reasons. Progress?

I look forward to the day actors are asked about global politics and chutney recipes on the red carpet, and the actors and actresses come in regular cheap jeans and a t-shirt, and that demographics determine nominations.

I hated group work as a student which is why now as a professor I don't do that, even tho it'd make my job easier.

You were dropping a lot of philosophy theories and thinkers. Did you study philosophy?

The funny (and sad) part was that the video comes from the car dealership, originally posted as "irate pizza driver". The only reason this video got out was because these assholes were deluded enough to think if they posted it THEY would be the heroes. I think some racist chick yelling at a fast food worker did the

He's unlikely to be believed. Looks too much like the semi-jealous jilted lover.

I can understand what you're saying, but the missing link in the chain is the proof that Beyonce knowingly does this and approves of it. It could be happening outside of her control.

I think this site could qualify as a newsletter of sorts. The type of body mods I think feminism would allow are those that are "honest" and those that do not perpetuate a false and potentially dangerous narrative ("you need to be impossibly skinny, impossibly beautiful, forever young, etc."). In that case a celeb who

Swift's early more country-focused career was littered with regressive ideas, but as she moved more into pop I guess she either got smarter or just more media/PR savvy. Either way, I'd say neither Beyonce or Swift are great role models because they produce mostly repetitive and vapid songs. They seem like nice women

Maybe he doesn't listen to the crappy pop stations.

That's the thing tho, if Fred is such an asshole why would be seemingly be friends with Carrie?