DaRe 3000

Sounds like something is missing. Like, during his year, how many of his female coworkers were called up on that. I mean, just the fact that no one gave a shit about him doesn't prove people do give a shit about women's clothes. Why didn't he have a female coworker do the same thing, and wear the same generic dress

There might be some outcry, but I doubt it'd be from men. Most of it will come from other women who think this is below "the standards" of "fashion". So we can probably blame fashion culture for this, and who largely supports fashion culture? Women.

Where the fuck is the stock market?!?! I got tired of waiting for that and dropped GTAO a while ago.

Thanks for putting this list together. Inspiring!

That headline is the type of thing that I read and, even though I mostly agree with your point, I just say "FUUUUCK YOOOOU." Making the positive addition of diversity sound like a demand from an ungrateful asshole. I'm thinking there's plenty around for you to be thankful for. I'm reading and seeing strong female

Internet abuse is bad, but it wasn't a coordinated campaign of "gamers" of the type describe by that vile article you linked to (that was not a critique of "consumer culture", it was a string of insults and stereotypes poorly and shamefully disguised as progressive social commentary). The sooner that evil side of

As a black guy who lives around and works with 90% black people and have heard this word used daily, I can attest that, to some blacks, the n word means nearly exactly what the racist thinks it means "a worthless person, someone with neg traits ingrained". Of course there's the huge diff that one thinks one or some

But Piers never said that if blacks stopped saying n***a then racism would end. He simply said it would serve to dis-empower racists' arguments and discourage its use overall including places like school hallways.

I'm starting to like her more than Louie C.K. I mean his "oh poor me" shtick was funny for a while but got old. And then when I hear Tig with ACTUAL problems take those real life horrors and make them funny (whilst still feeling and respecting her pain), it's next level shit.

The title of that linked article was

women of size? what does that mean? fat?

Maybe she's more broad minded than just broad minded. HA! but let me explain:


Here's a happy thought: Old people will die soon. Good riddance.

I'm 29, so I'm a "millennial" but too old to be young (in my mind). I vote and have voted since I was able. I binge watch CSPAN.

This is before I read this article, BUT: wasn't this whole thing hinged on a right-wing outlet mistakenly saying Dunham was 17, when it turned out she was 7? Since she was 7, we generally do not ascribe sexual intentions with that kind of stuff, so what's the story even?

At face value, perhaps some might say "oh this is so disrespectful", but you seem to grasp some connections with the later parts of the game. If you don't mind (and I don't mind SPOILERS) what is that connection?

This mofo is double plating it. Double. Plating. It. (got to try this next time at buffet)

you know what? I can see you have your hands full dealing with multiple people saying the same thing I am, so I'll back off. For the most part though, I find your replies compelling. Keep up the good work!

Actually, all that other stuff does matter, because events in the game don't happen completely independent of other events (usually anyway). CONTEXT MATTERS.