DaRe 3000

I like how she hardly ever says or does anything. Cuz bitches need to STFU amirite?

It's a shame, but a lot of sexism, patriarchy, and gender role framework building is codified in the Bible. This idea that "MEN lead, women follow" and all that can be traced back to the "word" God the Father. Since this is something taken on faith, it gives this sexist malarkey a foothold in society no matter how

Touche'. Frank Miller is a weird one, but is it bad I really like this cover? In my mind it says, "wonder Woman is sexy" but it doesn't suggest to me "and that's all she is".

(I realize you'd bowed out of the conversation, and I get it you've pretty much said all you can say. this is for others to perhaps read and reply to):

I guess I don't agree, because when I see characters like Storm or Batwoman or She-Hulk or whomever, I don't judge the character by what they wear (or at least, it isn't a heavily weighted judgment), and so the character isn't reduced to stroke material. Making such a statement kinda makes you seem like you can't get

I guess finding a cover that highlights a man's ripped abs and big chest wouldn't be hard.... unless you discount the whole bodypaint costume showing off the body trend (you don't, do you?).

So the issue isn't sexiness per se, but the way in which you are sexy? Fully clothed sexy is fine, but partially clothed sexy is not? Could you see someone making the same points (she's to be ogled at not taken seriously) for fully clothed bodypaint Harley?

While I can understand the starting point for questions like "why doesn't Superman show his legs and boobs", I think the conversation ignores a very real and very obvious point, which is that men and women dress differently in real life. So a "sexy" outfit for a man isn't going to be the same as a "sexy" outfit for a

What's sad is that you go out w/ a lady and sometimes they've like internalized these attitudes. I mean, if I'm w/ my gf I usually ask what she's gonna get, but it never occurred to order FOR her. I always let her order first though, out of courtesy (and for more time to make a last minute change).

Of course yes Vegeta is first but I don't see why Goku is last. Dead last? Behind that b*tch Chi-Chi? He's LIKEABLE at least right?

Remember that Happy Happy Joy Joy song from Ren and Stimpy? I liked that song A LOT BETTER. A. LOT.

[o]ur Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.'

What if he claimed it was war paint and not meant to represent someone's skin?

NO you fool! He'd take it apart and combine it with a paper clip in his pocket (and a piece of foil, let's say it's in his shoe?) to make a simple Morse-code producing signal device. How the hell is he gonna use a smart phone to "call" someone? THINK!!

that's stupid bro.

"science has been wrong a thousand times" .... he said while using a COMPUTER and the INTERNET and being surrounded with other luxuries of life provided by SCIENCE...

Very prudent and well reasoned. Don't let the a-holes talk you down just cause you're "harshing their buzz... man".

Ok thanks. Full speed ahead. DayZ hear I come!

I was all set to get the $600 computer from Pcpartpicker but it said the build has

You said and did that at age 5!?? That's like the opening of a badass movie... staring Will Ferrel.