DaRe 3000

To Zanarkand - FFX

You are absolutely correct about context and history. It would be disingenuous to say "women are viewed as more valuable that's why they aren't in combat". I've watched some talking heads on TV and they totally push the inferiority argument on Fox News on this subject. Sexism hurts men and women alike, even when the

You could flip that. Instead of women being inferior, they could be viewed as "more valuable, less expendable", so the system takes care of them because of an superior not inferior status. I'm not saying I agree with this move, but it is just to show that the "no, I'm the victim" game is asinine.

Yeah, it just seems any male dissenting voice is labeled "frustrated, angry, misogynistic".

The main problem with your definition and the term in general is that it assumes a mindset ("they assume they know more because they are male") and because the prime condition (that a man does this to a woman) is arbitrary.

I think it's sad that what could be an interesting and enlightening debate doesn't have anyone intelligent or of good-faith to represent (what could and should be) the MRM's POV. If feminism were about dropping negative stereotypes, wouldn't it just be "humanism"? From the very name feminism adopts a sort of

I read it. It's funny! It reminded me of Dave Chappelle as the stand-up comic bully in the Nutty Professor "Women be shopping! You can't stop a woman from shopping!" Yeah the article is basically a mash-up of a bunch of negative female stereotypes (that unfortunately apply to some women, tho not by virtue OF their

Now that (http://www.southheightsbaptist.com/mp3/CliffPalmer/7BasicNeeds_Husband.pdf) (http://www.southheightsbaptist.com/mp3/CliffPalmer/7BasicNeeds_Wife.pdf) is some real sexism right there! I recently read an article by Lindy West (http://jezebel.com/5936323/) that basically accused some random dudes and then by

Amen. To go a bit further, it's silly to claim that having an opinion or prefernce is itself an oppressive act. To say its only oppressive when men have opinions is sexist.

What about the flack Juan Williams is getting for calling Anne Romney a "corporate wife". I get that sense too. She tried to play like her life was a struggle "just like everybody else's", but we aren't all born rich or marry rich, live off stock options, borrow money from Daddy to buy a house, get handed a CEO

dental hygiene? this doesn't sound like an unreasonable request. my dentist suggests brushing before bed that's just simple upkeep, and as far as in the morning, well, some ppl don't like morning breath. This hardly makes Rod the equivalent of "a prudish relationship Hitler", and it doesn't suggest that he or any

I merely mean to make the point that having a preference doesn't necessarily mean you think you own people. I take it you disagree with me. That's fine. Care to expound on why?

Wow. I got on Ms West's case for accusing men of wanting to control women ... then I see an ad like this. It isn't the worst thing in the world by far but seriously, if you want to cry go ahead who gives a fuck what men like?

Wow, is this author legit this angry, or is it played for laughs or something? I don't think these men think of their women as dogs, they have opinions and they shared them. Geez, relax. I don't know how much space I am allotted, but I'd like to reply to the author if I may.