
It took me a about a second to realize that this was a model

Spot on.

I too have a copy of The Great Cars. A thing that sets it apart from other car/bike coffee table books I’ve read is that Stein had driven and, in many cases, owned many of the cars, so in the midst of a description of, say, the “chain-gang” Riley (I picked a car at random; there’s a napping daughter between me and the

But imagine how much MORE money they would bring in if they just stuck to sports...

See other response ;)

This comment is going to go over so many heads and be underappreciated, much like this entire article.

Yes. Decidedly. Watched initially and then just couldn’t any more. Total trainwreck.

Ooh, I love the wheels and white-lettered tires. Tell me more, Grandpa George.

And they rust at the mention of salted roads in another state. They've got all the charisma you could want but check under the floorboards and bring a magnet to check for bondo.

you haven’t lifted a Jeep roof recently, have you? I’d be willing to bet (as I’ve lifted both) that the Jeep roof is heavier. The worst are the old Blazers and 2nd gen Broncos.

Yep. All Scouts have “removable” roofs.

You made me fall in love with Scouts. I seriously can’t believe they’re still as inexpensive as they are, compared to first gen Broncos.