
Oh shit, one of Kirk’s 2018 prediction came true only a week after the podcast came out!

I am literally reading and commenting on this article instead of working.

First $1 of the day. No actual apology, but I’m awarding it for the bullshit “took responsibility” (how? to whom?) and the fucking God’s forgiveness bullshit again.

This same sort of thing happened to me, as a young lass. A long time friend / some time skull partner and I were goofing around with neckties, and the next thing you know, he whips out one of those disposable cameras (pre-digital era) and shoots a photo of me!

I’m just here to comment on this guy wearing cuff links the wrong way.

Will probably be an expansion a la The Last Roman and Charlemagne for Atila. They pretty much have their campaign starts/mini-expansions broke out for them from the ROTK franchise, and possibly some name recognition from them as well. As an ROTK/Dynasty warrior fan I’m pretty geeked for this.

I suck at RTS.

It’s pretty common. I had a guy rush and kill me with a hatcher last night because I thought he wasn’t in melee range yet.

I want to offer a sincere, unironic thank you for this post.

Are we referring to NBA2K in this story?