
they understood the protest, but  

Growing up, my cousin had a SNES and we would always play it on holidays and I had to give up my older systems (N64 and Gameboy) to younger cousins. I’m gonna hoard my older games and consoles like they are made of gold now.

And yet I would bet money that people pissy over “disrespecting the flag” wouldn’t even care about any of these events in US history... And the fact they always say “if you don’t like it here, then move” is comically given the US history of manifest destiny.

Funny enough, after buying Borderlands on every platform, I started to only get exclusive games for my PS3. Pretty sure I will do the same thing if/when I get a PS4

I’d like to add the 1,378,458 people who elected Blunt and any crocodile tears they might also be shedding.

Federal GOP lawmakers were shot at and nothing changed.

Do you think all of these people and corporations realize they are trying to put “our common bond as a nation” over our common bond as humanity? Or I guess a better question would be do they even care?

Funny that my first thought at reading the headline was what a bunch of snowflakes.

does it have to be your own poop or can you collect any poop you find?

I can’t take it anymore, PUBG is a horrible name, when did “PlayUnknown” become the same as Marvel or Tom Clancy? It took me months to figure out that it wasn’t a mod for a game because who would name their game something so ugly?

Pretty sure there has always been certain weapons that have a limited number of shots available and “can’t be reloaded/recharged in the field” but otherwise, all guns reloaded and had a reload time stat for weapons.

I think it just clicked for me that as...whatever it was...the whole Rachel Dolezal situation was, at least she was trying to do some good, opposed to “I wanna look like black Pamela Anderson”

But those are two different departments, the people researching culture to make a map look appropriate and the ones designing it for functionality are completely different from the ones architecting their infrastructure or approving the budget for that. That would be the same as saying “why is the music industry

“I find it pretty funny that in the Overwatch universe, Africa is host to these technologically advanced cities, but in our world we don’t even get a server for our entire continent,”

Is this really that different from ProgressQuest with a bunch of ads asking you to buy stuff?

If the future is all sites forcing videos and ads on everyone, then whoever comes out with a browser that forces text or RSS will be king.