
Don’t forget about taking rape allegations seriously and being hard on domestic abusers. But hypothetical safety is much easier to do than ACTUAL safety...

I can’t find this anywhere, but did this D-bag ever call or reach out to personally apologize DIRECTLY to Ben Jacobs? Because the only time making a public apology is appropriate is when you are apologizing TO the public.

I sort of wish the US would start treating DUIs more seriously, especially after what happened in Times Square...

not Widower or MeiHog?

Should have teamed up with Gizmodo to pair this with a look at the future hardware side of this issue.

Honestly, I’m really glad to see she made it safely through her night in jail

Far Cry: ‘murica

A police department thought this guy would make an excellent law-enforcement officer because obviously, his decision-making skills demonstrate that he would have no problem assessing situations with a gun in his hand.

Is there really no kind of check to judges who make these kinds of calls? Even appealing this verdict would result in waiting in prison no matter what the outcome is... I mean his peers found him not guilty and there was no evidence except for the clerk’s memory a year after the event. Stuff like this shouldn’t be

Since playing the free weekend and getting tired of the generic MMO gameplay, I finished off Oblivion and Skyrim and I am honestly getting the desire to get ESO just for the stories and lore...

Whose funeral are they attending?

3 is already BC, I did in fact mean 4 since it was also on 360

watch_dogs is nice and with 2 Ubisoft games on GwG with one BC, maybe there is a speck of hope for Far Cry 4 going BC...

We value our diverse customer base and thousands of minority employees

that shirt looks a little low but it does rest on the shoulders. also, what EXACTLY was the agreement with the mother? Because if it was just “call me”, then they did comply with the agreement and she should have gone with them. But really, she was covered up to the extent that no one would have known what she was

always and forever, Fuck cancer

accidental knee to the groin

That one, and the second, though I forgot it was called Apocalypse, because it was trapped in a city with the experiments hunting each other.

Technically if you crossed collectibles with flipping your pen around, that would be pretty close.

Hope there isn’t a thumb biting gesture...I DO NOT BITE MY THUMB AT YOU BUT I BITE MY THUMB