
why did the tipping bot need money? wouldn’t the tipping happen between users so the bot would just move the money across right?

Oh, I thought this was covering something else:

I mean this is just paying to bring in a ringer or to be coached or for boosting. I mean, compare it to a stranger asking you to take their picture someplace. One person does it, sure why not. But if you have a line forming, why would you not start charging people? Isn’t that just being an entrepreneur? Seeing a

should not have decided to read through this just as I start eating my sandwich...

Since she wants to be that, lets from now on refer to Sly Buehl Rigilio as a trans gender woman. Besides, she did help to get the rules reviewed.

Just upgrade WiFi and stream whatever floats your boat on your phone

Hopefully the free soup amendment passes

Since this isn’t that useful, when will someone come up with a TV that can be broadcasting/displaying multiple outputs at the same time with glasses/headphones that can be tuned to each output?

As I say whenever something like this happens, Fuck cancer

Just got an email on my college account warning about this and directing people to the service desk if they clicked the link

Do you think they get how bad “Great Wall of culture” sounds? Like, we need to keep out the ravenous hordes of culture!

These are the words that Tingle created himself. Don’t steal them!

To be fair, even public schools will at least serve GRILLED cheese sandwiches

Seriously? At least make him work for it before giving it to him...brought to you by Carls Jr...

I still would bet on NK accidentally blowing themselves up if they tried to launch a missile with a nuclear warhead.

Pretty sure that Awkward Zombie would work for a number of games, I just did that in Farcry Primal

Haven’t actually heard about this before, doesn’t really make sense to me when you have words already like fanatic or obsessive but I guess I can see the parallel with using “retard” as a put down.