

I wonder which are considered to be worse, the The Crows from Disney or a stoned looking frog?

The Pokémon Cookbook 1/5 stars: Does not teach you how to properly cook Pokemon

The Pokémon Cookbook 1/5 stars: Does not teach you how to properly cook Pokemon

up the flagpole

If it is Stan Lee or Patrick Stewart or Sean Connery, I vote we just use the osterhagen key and get it all over with

Fuck this year. Fuck this whole sick, worthless cruel prank of a year. #RIPCarrieFisher

I don’t normally watch Twitch, but I would totally watch this

Ok...so I never mentioned their legal team so I think you are blending multiple arguments together. Now, I will give you I do not know UK law or UK law in 2003 but in the US there have been a couple of stories on the news in the last few years of what I described actually happening, a mugging and a BnE, and no one

I don’t care what this says, .hack will always be on this list to me

One shining spot in this dark year: IT LIVES!

My heart died a little reading Stardust was leaving... Robert De Niro as a gay pirate named Shakespeare, plus Ian McKellen narrating and Ricky Gervais and Michelle Pfeiffer.

Oh, this is vigilantism now? I missed where the article said they grabbed the kid and served up vigilante justice to his face. And them having the report is a black mark for their “mate”, not them. Now I’m starting to think you are just actively trying to troll since you seem to be purposely ignoring the similarity

notice how that link mentions private eye and fact finding? So by this vague logic, anytime anyone is investigated by anyone, be it police or agencies, etc..., they are doxing them and can be called trolls.

Major computer events in 2003:
Apple opens the iTunes store April 28, 2003.

That would depend on what exactly was in their privacy policy for THEIR OWN forums, which the people posted screenshots on. And actually, pretty sure if you get robbed but that person drops their phone, threatening to rat them out to their parents doesn’t make it blackmail. If anything, it was counter-blackmail

Ok, there is a difference between almost doing something and actually doing it. And that “crushed” popular vote you are referring to is 2% of the total of people who voted and just 1.1% of voting age citizens. Blaming the progressives for putting up such a flawed candidate that you not only bet against party lines but

Nope, you are thinking about Benghazi. That was nothing. Her deciding to only use an unsecured and unpatched server in her basement for communications as SoS can only be explained as either purposely trying to circumvent FOIA requests or willful incompetence since she was advised multiple times to use a government

what was so fucking obvious - *that Hillary couldn’t beat any of the GOP finalists if she couldn’t even beat Trump

Compared to the people who bet on and some of which rigged the primary to favor the person who couldn’t even beat the biggest joke of the 16 people that started out?