
You remember where before he didn’t care about human life at all and saw them as insects or lower, right? He had a story before, it went, “I’m immortal and awesome, if I think you pose a threat to my immortality I will have you killed, human lives mean nothing to me”. They gave him the opportunity to be good when he

Glad to see I wasn’t the only one who thought her comments were out of line. Not sure about where not wanting to pay her is coming from but the captain wouldn’t have made the same comments if they lost the last Olympics.

If taking shots far from the goal is cowardly, wasn’t there some player in the last Olympics that made a half-court shot?

He became a human and a blank slate so the villagers were instilling in him the best traits of humanity. They weren’t trying to make him feel better, they were setting the bar high so he would act that way.

If I remember the last words correctly, it ties back to the beginning where he stated he could never come up with endings.

See, I thought that exactly has he was doing it, except he added a 3rd string. Meaning it is no longer a 2 string guitar. Unless the title is only about the importance of the first 2 strings...

Someone should find the cure for allergies just to spite Mylan!

took me a second to get this, that was pretty good

I thought it was don’t sync to the cloud?

As we circled his smoking form he shrieked with his last ounce of breath. Firehawk!!!!

When are you supposed to get the registration code?

When are you supposed to get the registration code?

Pretty impressive they are able to respond that quickly, wasn’t PSN crippled for days after a DDoS attack?

there is always the chance you missed one while on vacation or something. I’m just glad I don’t have Kane and Lynch 2

there is always the chance you missed one while on vacation or something. I’m just glad I don’t have Kane and Lynch 2

can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with the happy part of your name...

Say whatever you want politically about this whole thing, but from an IT perspective, this was a cluster that should have never happened.

Honestly, I felt just as happy reading about the women from other nations as I did with the US women

I bought Bladestorm:Nightmare for Xbone back on the 4th when you reported it was only $20.99 on Amazon but it was Temporarily out of stock and still is from Amazon.com but I just checked and there is a new seller who is only 6 cents more expensive. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00…

I bought Bladestorm:Nightmare for Xbone back on the 4th when you reported it was only $20.99 on Amazon but it was

What do I have to put to always get “For glory and honor! Huzzah comrades!”?

Didn’t actually know Hong Kong was sort of separate from China. In fairness, looking at the total size, it would be like Rhode Island went rogue and tried to leave the US.

So was the last Transformers movie...so...