

So I guess hope there won’t be any cause for headlines like, “People swimming in horrible conditions in Rio shit themselves into a coma”

So...should science start working on a way to repair or re-connect nerves to make the donor hands actually work?

You can check your purchase history to see if it was listed. I can’t find it on mine because I must have bought it with MS points but I had it by 3/31/2013 since I played it and got achievements then. I sort of suspect I got it after seeing this sale: http://www.ign.com/articles/2011/…

She is losing to a clown. She stands no chance of winning against Drumpf, as the one who must not win, so you are recommending people choose 3rd party?

what about TV shows that air on cable?

com eat me bro?

As of this writing, the White House petition has 1,718 of the 100,000 signatures needed.

Now playing

I guess that is better than what I was thinking of:

never heard of ammosexuals before, I like it. Star for you!

Damn, anyone have a good place to get shows without streaming, like couchtuner? I can wait for movies to be dirt cheap or on Netflix but I have been downloading shows like Gotham and Lost girl, also One Piece dubbed...

I would totally watch a show or play a game with all of these

Maybe someone’s elbow is on the broadcast button? I mean if children can take out NPR...

How do you get Minecraft Story Mode for Xbox One?

How do you get Minecraft Story Mode for Xbox One?

I predict this will be the case when Pokemon Go is on the hololens

I’m sort of torn about which was the best this week. Either Double XP or MGDMT

Really? I know exactly what it is referring to. Whenever I tried playing online at my parent’s house, I would always get warnings that the NAT was set to moderate.

And the guy was what, performing a citizen’s arrest for something that didn’t involve him?

Well if no one else was going to do it, I didn’t want to be a stick in the Cao Pi