
Are there issues with making the structure of a huge building out of wood?

Huh, comments are not what I expected from Gizmodo...

How is the tiger alive after 500 years?...

The flash backs were trippy, and all the logs

I love the .hack games about the same as I love Psychonauts. The Epitaph of Twilight is my jam. But even I will say breaking it into so many pieces and not releasing them each at a cheaper price is kind of money grubbing... Though I did luck out both times and got them all at the same time...

Considering that Dead Island Epidemic has already been cancelled this year, I would think more studios would be moving away from trying to compete with DOTA and LOL...

Having only played a bit of the first game, I haven’t really followed CD Projekt Red but from what I can tell from Witcher 3 news, they seem to really know what they are doing, both in terms of game design and consumer appreciation.

I’ve never understood this, isn’t Whip/Nae Nae really just a drunk/hungover walk?

I think I would argue the terrorists win a small victory every time something or someone has to change their name. If you had the name first, any guilt by association because of that is stupid.

God help them if the next terrorist group goes by ST...

Considering the main description I have heard of Red Bull is bull piss...

Speaking of “State of the Game”, have you ever considered doing something similar for games on multiple platforms? There are usually lots of coverage about new games when they don’t work on one or more platforms. Like if I was wanting to play Arkham Knight right now, I might remember there was some release issues on

If I have 2025 already, would you say there is or isn’t enough extra enhancements and content to warrant purchasing 4.1?

Idk, I think I understood more about the hybrid thing than what the hell was going on with Clara and the Doctor. I mean, he sort of created a ticking time bomb that is just wandering through the universe. At least with Donna, the wipe made sense, it was to protect herself from herself. With Clara, it was to protect

Was pretty much the same ending as Jenny

Psychonauts 2 announced, anything is possible.

I sort of do this while binge watching a show, like catching up on 5 years of missed Supernatural seasons or Arrow on Netflix. Usually it is just when it seems like a character is about to leave or die, I pause and google.

Added to my Christmas list

I think there should be a new hashtag, something along the lines of #KindlyPassOntoKonami so you can vent to the social media guy while asking them to go flip the bird to the bosses from everyone.

Would have been funnier if it was Jax instead of Riven. “Surprise, I’m back”