
Not sure that OoT 3D offer is really a sale, considering that is more with taxes than you would pay for the eshop price...

Not sure that OoT 3D offer is really a sale, considering that is more with taxes than you would pay for the eshop

So, common sense security measures like changing your password frequently and not letting others know your password do not equal sexual harassment and slut-shaming and it worries me you don’t seem to get that...

You realize the moron didn’t change his password after he left the cardinals...right?

You misspelled Men in Tights once as 4) Airplane!

Wouldn’t people just call you Mal?...

Seems like this would make a good starter video game for kids

I think a stipulation with this glitch is it has to be an ammo type you don’t currently own. I tried it with the trader that comes to Sanctuary and ended up accidentally selling off half of my main ammo type...

I sort of want to make a Trump...

So, was I the only person to realize this is would work well if you are really hurting for a certain type of ammo? The video shows the vendor gets another bullet every time you sell the phantom bullet back to them, so you can give them a huge stockpile of ammo and then give them all your money...

Is this why the military has no money left over to pay for VA services and care?

Can reparations for these acts ever be part of a buyout? That doesn’t seem likely.

two things I wish Waze had or was better at:
1) I wish there was a constant route bar at the bottom of the map so I can see what is ahead of me without having to scroll the map over to where it actually is (the bar it shows when it suggests a route)

And I was going to try to actually finish a season once this time...now who knows with Fallout 4 on the horizon...

Now playing

At least they do mention the “Old North Bridge”

I’m all for exploding heads...but am I the only one who was a little turned off/confused at how they are expecting me to believe that little backup gun does more damage than a shotgun?

So, I think the reason Bonnie became better is because of two things. Firstly, the being linked to Clara. I think Osgood was at least partly telling the truth about the Zygons evolving. I think they are not used to staying in another form for long periods of time and it starts to take a toll on how they see

Yep, and now that Phantom Dust is just hanging in the air, I think I can safely just pick up a PS4 and not worry too much about upgrading my 360.

So...is Firefly just sort of implied?

But this is not even making a game, this is simply playing it. I live and breath gaming, my happy place is looking up stuff for the games I am currently playing. But even I will admit that video games do not add to the things necessary for me to live, it is not food, water, nor shelter. I am not saying I am better

You just became my favorite because of all the IT crowd gifs