
spend so much time and effort on something that ultimately amounted to nothing

Plus, unlike any other Doctor Who episode, this one comes with toys.

Putt-Putt and Zoombinis?

I think this is what I have, as I said, I have no idea where I got it since I didn’t buy it, just noticed when I saw I had surplus parts. Had to have been from a cargo container or from some mission. I can take out pretty much any fighter in a single broadside volley.

So I kept the Hammerhead until I found the Icarus, but I started using the ramming deflectors and I like them, I heard good things about the flak guns for secondary but the missile launchers seem to be more useful. And I think I lucked out because I found a beam broadside part and the range and lock-on is amazing.

Haven’t even left the first sector and considering trading up to a Vanguard...

I feel like I should play Unity before even really considering Syndicate, at least for the story. But with all the horror stories that I have seen with Unity, I’m not sure if I should play it on PC or Xbox 360. I am not a graphics connoisseur, so I don’t really mind if one version has better textures or whatever over

1) so happy Osgood is back, she needs a role until she covers every single Doctor outfit. 2) I’m calling Kate a ploy, you can’t take out a Lethbridge-Stewart that easy. Also the Queen has already done the ruse before as well. And a walkie-talkie is a walkie-talkie, even if it is alien.

As it turns out, Hartman, a servant of the Dark Presence, had been gaslighting Alan, getting the writer to doubt his own memories in order to force him to continue his story.

How is this different from Left 4 Dead, who also has a concert stage level?

War and The Poet and the Muse FTW

You really should, it also shouldn’t take 10 minutes even on the hardest difficulty... But by this time you will have random objects hurled at you out of no where, and even in the bulldozer fight, taken jump fences to hold you down long enough for the bulldozer. I even go back some times just to play through all the

We’ll have to wait and see, though.

Boarding Action was fun but nothing beats staying up all New Years night playing through Brute Force with my friends, 4 player couch co-op campaign.

Just bought a bunch of games on sale...

glad I held off on getting Dungeon Siege III

But could everyone at least agree, at least it isn’t North Korea?

But when he turned off his mercy—lured the Termites into the church to butcher them, murdering Pete in cold blood,