No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.
No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.
Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”
I love my nonconsensually circumcised penis and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Totally agree. I will say though, this show has helped my mom understand why I stayed in an abusive relationship for as long as I did and how my PTSD from being raped affects me. So while the coverage of the show can be gross, the show’s portrayal itself is good.
Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”
It’s a funny fake dick, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call his character a rapist.
Deeply disturbing as well are the conversations I’ve seen on forums like exposing some SERIOUS misconceptions about abusive relationships. Lots of stuff about “this is totally unrealistic, she’s a smart lawyer! She’s so well educated! That woman would NEVER put up with that kind of abuse IRL!”
It disproportionately affects low-wage hourly workers. Which just so happen to be women more so than men. And usually women with kids. So it fucks over a lot of single mothers.
Daddy’s First Little Side Piece.
I suspect it’s more to do with needing her on immediate call, because of her father’s fading mental health and increasing sundowning.
I’m glad they made her a girl. It took me until I was 17 to get diagnosed with Aspergers and I’m pretty sure my being a girl had a large part in that. Not just because of prejudice, but because girls on the spectrum can often present different symptoms than boys. For instance my mother was told that it wasn’t possible…
Trump is very, very good at failing. The Best!
Just because you havent been personally targeted yet doesn’t mean things aren’t bad.
She looks like she is about to shoot a porno
public servants who don’t believe its their job to serve the public - thanks donald.
Up the ass. No lube. No spit. No foreplay. Rough. Very very rough.
I feel like there is some disconnect between your friend being involved in menstrual activism and Miki being awful... fill the gap?
The whole premise of his media works is "Rich Thin White Jewish Guy From A City Goes on Suburban Safari to Look Upon the Lower Middle Class. Is shocked and amazed." Am I the only one who seemed to notice that the film was structured like a horror movie, but the "horror" was that the lady was old and fat?