This is a lovely review Todd - clever and well-written. Maybe there’s hope in the old girl of TV review websites yet
This is a lovely review Todd - clever and well-written. Maybe there’s hope in the old girl of TV review websites yet
Lol it sucks that everyone, including this article, thinks this is a stupid “racist foreigner!” statement rather than a clever -- and bitchy in a fun way! -- retort about Spanish colonialism, which Iñarritu apparently still benefits from (an anthropologist told me once that his family ranch is on stolen land, and is…
I’m betting it’ll be the Iain Gruffold Mr. Fantastic (played evilly), michael b jordan as king killgrave, an iron man type (maybe a doom version though they might want to save him, or possibly that tom cruise iron man everyone’s obsessed with, though i doubt it as cruise is one of the few stars left who dont need that…
Silver Surfer dudes, come on. Not a hard guess.
Oh boy, I think Harrison’s going to get rid of poor Angela next episode. Dexter when faced with possibly killing his son can’t do it, so they hit the road.
Yeah this one wasn’t a cheat - it actually felt like a real neat call back to something that sparked a lot of fan discussion and thought back in the day, a full decade ago now... absolutly wtf.
- Melanie is Moses delivering the stone tablets. She ain’t dead yet, but she will not see the promised land. (Gotta imagine Covid killed the tease they were planning with her.)
I would argue that there’s more going on on a characteer level than you’re suggesting, with Batman at least - he lost a Robin, a son, to a violent criminal which makes him lose more faith in his own systems of justice (eg becoming more unstable and violent), and witnessing Superman does 9/11 would displace that anger…
extreme robert redford energy from those illustrations, i like it
you are right, i am a dumb person who jumps to conlusions, and i will never comment again.
Decent primeire, but did the FDR fanboy stuff strike anyone else as weak or off? I buy Coulson fanboying, but Mac would not be so pleased, and really, Daisy never mentions Hiroshima or Nagasaki?? Historical politicians might have done good things, but that doesn’t give them a rosy pass on all their shit either.
Looking forward to the moment mid-season where the kids age a year.
The strong Blade Runner vibes on the score made this ep utterly distinctive in the star wars canon. Really strong mood and sense of drama and tragedy during it; using the audience’s knowledge of the world against us. A brilliant arc on a show I have more problems with than love for.
To be honest, this is why I love it. It’s all about mood and tone, high-quality western tropes and action in short bursts. It’s pure cool.
I adore a secret title, and this delivered.
Everyone in the comment getting so frustrated and angry with Katie and Forrest... I get you, but, you know they are seeing it wrong. They believe in the power of the machine, and the are terrified of making a different decision than the one they see in the machine. If they do it - they might break the universe, and it…
Still waiting for that Miguel-centred episode I know has got to be coming (it has to be, right? Right?!?!)
Everyone keeps saying this - but trump won, because people voted for change. You need someone who’s promising change. People are angry - justifiably - but their anger is aimed at the wrong people, the wrong places, and the baddies of this world - they know that.
There’s a certain amount of irony to the “Sander’s supporters suck!” narrative, being that the entire American political status quo has been insulting them, and painting them as a viscious, nasty bunch, for years now. Is that not also unfair generalising and bullying?
Don’t forget Reservation Dogs and his American Somoa soccor film!