
You should apply for a job at RIM. You own the shortsightedness and ignorance shared among the board of directors.

A dry cabin is living hell if you use contact lenses.

I don't know, but maybe cancer and a liver transplant qualifies you to park in those areas. And since the campus is yours you don't have to hang the tag on the mirror.

Why are you talking about viruses if the article is about Trojans? You, as a PC user, should know the difference.

"As much as I love my iPhone, I also love innovation from all sides of the table."

That's why we have jails. If she f*cks up later in life, we jail her in and have the tax-payers pay for that. Dad's restraining order will become redundant.

As stupid as the dad behaved, one thing is sure. She won't ever do that again. =D

Neither should a man who has to take a leak behind a tree.

Better looking at blue bricks than at a black screen after a couple of hours.

My first Mac was a beige G3 in 1998. Still have the system, including the Apple display.

Yes, I've clicked everywhere to see if it would change the cursor. Letting it sit doesn't seem to help.

Yes, but this is a new issue. It started about 3 weeks ago.

For some reason I can't see half of the videos Gizmodo posts. Just have a blank white box with nothing to click on. Flash is enabled and I've tried Safari, Firefox and Camino so far. Any help?

Because bumping into other people, or falling into fountains while texting is so much cooler.

Well... it depends!

It depends on the test. Faster response times don't mean "it's better" if it's measured differently. Same way your LCD TV with a contrast ratio of 1:100.000.000 is worse than a Sony with 1:10.000.

Why don't you go ahead and give it a try. For example, google the word "stupider".

"Houses with dogs are clean while houses with cats are usually infested with disease ridden cats that pee over everything shed a shit ton more than dogs."

Anal raping the customers as the primary goal.