
I take the hairballs over a house that smells like a barn ;)

"Why do you think you see rich business men with dogs"

It depends on how much fur is attached to the nose =D

I think it depends on the person.

You probably prefer a 52x CD drive over a 8x Blu-ray drive, right?

They're not worthless, they simply let the dogs do the work. It's called intelligence.

My wife used to smoke (outside on the balcony), but since she switched to e-cigarettes she smokes in the house. I can't smell anything at all, even sitting right next to her. I've always been a non-smoker and hate even the faintest cigarette odor, and can testify that e cigarettes (at least her brand) does not smell

"Today's granted patent was published the USPTO and credits Apple's Christoph Krah as the sole inventor. The original filing was made in Q4 2005."

The only excuse you can have to write this article is that you live outside the USA.

The USA is its own enemy. It's tearing itself apart and the real enemies are well aware of that. Why invade the USA if you can lure them out and let them slowly bleed out.

You might be kidding, but to me she just had a sh*tload of luck.

Whenever I read about projects like this, I have this in mind.

Open the box in the store and power the device on. This way you see if you're really buying what you are paying for and you can check if it's working properly.

The best things are whiners complaining about whining.

It is enough if the ONE responsible for these things makes a phone call to get some info first. It's called communication and professionalism.

You sign a 2 year contract with them and get an iPhone for $199. One year later you realize they suck and terminate your contract. You pay the early termination fee and have a very expensive toy in your hands.

There's always a back wall.

You know the proverb "Time heals all wounds"?

I would like to know how many people are actually using them. Looks like they are all for sale on eBay.

You know you can skip articles, right?