
if you could invite me daprinz gmail com. Thanks

He means that the poor limousine driver pays more taxes than the rich banker he's driving around, or in his words "poor gets fucked in the ass".

320k shouldn't be a problem, but why would you need 320k on a mobile phone with crappy headphones (that includes $100 earbuds).

Ever had the feeling that 90% of the population could disappear and the world would become a better place?

Create fear and you will control the population. Worked in the 30's with Nazi Germany, works today all over the world.

Doesn't surprise me at all that this site would come up with a defense for unacceptable behaviors.

A friend of mine bought a 4G phone from Sprint last year, although the city we live in didn't have any 4G coverage back then.

My study? Go out on the streets and ask "average people" how many computer OSs they know besides Windows. Most of them don't even know what Windows version they are running.

Almost as funny as T-mobile customers thinking they have actually 4G speeds.

What about Comcast business class? Does it have a data cap as well?

"Also, they are probably people I wouldn't care to live around for the most part"

The thing is, Macs are sold because ALL buyers WILLINGLY choose to buy one.

I know what you mean, I love Tintin myself, but I don't think it's that bad to be honest.

More pixels = less light, unless you increase the sensor size.

Better than a "Insert movie title here" #3/4/5...

I understand what you mean, but hardly anybody said "app" before Apple started using it.

Apple is not complaining about the word app, but the term "app store".

Nice one, you're right.

8 mega pixels? Really?

I'm going on a limb here and assume you're NOT being sarcastic.