
I guess he was lucky the passenger door was open.

WebOS is a good OS, but like Lycosman said, it came too late. I'm just not convinced that it will bloom as it deserves in HP's hands.

You're right, but at least I don't know anyone of my generation that recorded videos of getting their balls kicked, or lighting up fireworks stuck in their butts.

You point it at your face and pull the trigger "by accident".

Not at all. I actually think that RIM will fail, still believing nothing was wrong with their business model. I've never seen a company so wrong about the future, and unwilling to accept that changes need to be made.

Because he's a troll.

What is it with women using mirrors to take pictures of themselves?

If the server, where your password is saved, is not secure (and not encrypted), you can have the best password you want, it won't help you.

"Science shows that genetics plays a role in obesity. Genes can directly cause obesity in disorders such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Doesn't make Dunn less of a jerk, does it?

I did, and once again, that was not a mistake!

Shut up with your "mistake".

Make HULU+ add free and count me in.

Maybe, just maybe, men will be able to understand women one day.

Yeah, perfect timing now that everyone goes "to the cloud".

She couldn't type correctly, yet she was able to click on the right buttons to post the message.

911 doesn't work with VOIP.

That's not the point. The issue is the internet being blocked to sell an app.

China is like Facebook. They are trying to duplicate the world (internet) in their country (Facebook servers).

So, they got jailed for breaking a non disclosure contract by accepting money to take pictures of a unreleased product. Yeah, it's really pathetic, almost as pathetic as Gizmodo's lack of ethics if you don't see anything wrong with this.