
@JasonGW: "When I ditched my iPhone for a Windows Phone 7 device"

@That Guy: It already did. All songs on iTunes used to be 99 cents. That was also the reason Apple HAD to use DRM. It was dictated by the record companies. When Apple demanded to drop the DRM protection it had to agree to allow flexible prices. The record companies got what they wanted, and Apple was, once again, the

@ProudGeek: What year are you living in?

I understand that some readers are getting tired of 3D. One of the reasons is that 3D technology is still it its baby shoes. So yes, 3D sucks right now.

@worsethannormal: I agree with you on the cable TV issue, but in my opinion it's their own fault. All these stupid reality shows are just crap, and the rest of the program seems to be more "breaks" from the commercials than anything else.

@Crrash: It is not only in America. Germany is already talking about it, too. It's a shame that everything that matters these days is greed.

@SacredByte: Don't be fooled, it's a beautiful country with breathtaking landscapes. Specially the south is awesome. The people are actually very nice, I guess we only hear bad stories over here. And you can get lost in the eyes of a beautiful woman talking French to you.

@hostile-17: By the time it comes out it will face the iPad 2. So I guess the "antique" comparison is justified. =)

@Kazuhite: I refuse to support Motorola because they suck.

I hate to break it up to you, but these days an expired Visa doesn't proof that you'll leave the country. Not even in France.

@alexander.cardosa: Aren't we told what to do already? Shouldn't "we, the people" decide what we want?

I think each country should have a vote about Google Streetview.

@PPL(A), night: Nice. You just proved to the world that you don't need a brain to drive a car. Well done!

@admoseremic: If your workplace is that conservative then take a look at this.

@Dogm1: Nipple slips? Where? And butt shots are normal and are not considered NSFW, unless you work at a church.

@cycle-ops: Sure, they will stay in their cars for days (fallout falls only for a couple of hours but it remains deadly for days). The radioactive dust is what's dangerous. How do you plan to breathe in those things since the dust in the air outside will kill you?

@SkipErnst: Why commit suicide? Please read my response to Se7en_Speed and you'll understand.

@Se7en_speed: We don't have basements in S. Florida, staying indoors means having at best a 7" wall between you and nature. That is not enough, and I'm not even taking the shitty windows into account.