
@reverb992: People have to stop to think about the cool & geek factor. The fact that we comment on this page is already a turn off to many hot girls.

@LastAndLeast: Because then nobody would have any features activated. Some out of choice the rest because they're too stupid to understand what's going on.

What a load of BS.

@Jumodo: Just do what YOU want and ignore the shallow bitch. =)

@Dave: I agree, and that's what this diet is about. You learn to eat what keeps you lean by skipping carbon hydrates and too much fat if you don't eat anything fried.

@harrismi: I think Harrismi said it all. You are the perfect citizen, close you eyes and follow your leader.

@RoBorg: You have 2 billion $ speaking against you, but I respect your opinion. =)

@raghavny80: Terrorists was the excuse Hitler used to strip Germans from their rights and gain more control over the population.

@Lorin1: I stand corrected.

Now that's what I call dedication. Must be a full time job to put all those lights up.

"Each doubling of power is barely audible (~3db)"

@Ccomfort: Every country does it, my point was not that the USA is the only one, but that their actions are responsible for this, not the leaks.

@ryusen: I know, just messing with you. =)

@Daamian: Some people accept things others try to change for the better. If enough people bitch things might change.

@TF: "Officially" not related.

@xGhost4000x: "This isn't about giving people information, it's about making the US look bad"

@Daamian: "People with poor management skills"?

@Daamian: That's not the point. Wi-Fi in planes is to allow people to communicate, upload/download files so they can be productive while in the air. Since bandwidth is limited the prices for the access are kind of steep for the "general passenger" who can wait to do whatever he wants to do online until the plane

@KingArthur: Sorry, I don't understand your logic. You can't compare apples to teddy bears, that's how off you are with your example.

@KingArthur: Yeah, China uses the same excuse, btw.