
@rainy_day: The governments (not only the US) get away with all kinds of illegal activities because nobody can prove anything. A couple of months ago activists were reporting that the US Air-force was killing random civilians because the target system on their drones were not as accurate as believed. The Dep. of

@funchefchick: The documents posted are edited to take names of informants off. Why do you think it gets uploaded over time?

@Bryan D. Costin: Maybe "some people" should have some common sense and not channel all the bandwidth for themselves by streaming Hulu and other movie services on a plane. Lesson in reality is you should not give everything out for free.

@polobunny: Elaborate how you would do it. What is your second basket? Taking the train?

@lespey: You are aware that the first class connects to the same wi-fi access point, right?

Does any of you guys remember how many cars drove into lakes before GPS navigation systems became popular?

@ryusen: Ok, here it is

I don't know what pisses me more off, the governments trying to silence him or us for letting them doing it.

@Will Kelly: Just because you didn't have Wi-Fi in the past it doens't mean you don't need it now. For some people a 5h flight equals to several hundreds/thousands of $ loss because you're watching clouds instead of working.

@perry05: I guess these days the use of the GPS helps a lot. I meant back in the days. Compasses keep you on track but not on a straight line.

Since your dominant hand/leg is usually stronger it's assumed that you will, with time, walk or in the example with the car, drive in circles.

@Xenarian: It's just a shiny light? I would suggest you get some info on the matter before making dumb comments like this one.

If this works on a coworker's face who just can's shut the bleep up, I'm sold.

@supergeek1694: Of course some did, kust not enough. Believe me, if they really fought against the bailout they would have achieved something. Just see how strong they are fighting against the Stuttgart 21 project, with success so far. Wrong priorities and brainwashing by the media.

@Java-Princess: My point is that they feel violated that you look at them but don't mind getting raped the rest of the time. That's the clearest I can put it down.

@hmmmmike: My arguments are flawed?

@The Project: Call of Halo: LOL, I just had the vision of empty interstate lanes because all the cars pulled over to make phone calls.

Germans are freaking retards, and I know it since I am German and moved to the US a few years ago.