
They should come up with an app for the iphone that acts as the color palette.

What a pitty. You can hold a Nokia whatever way you want but it still sucks.

@geekymitch: Maybe some people don't have antenna issues, don't let the phone fall on the floor all the time and understand that the yellow marks will go away within a week.

@jasongw: Of course the phone will someday fall but at this point I don't believe all these stories. People blend iPhones and destroy them to prove a point. Right now it looks like FUD and nothing more. My 1st gen iPhone has fallen multiple times on the floor (screen down) and doesn't have one single scratch.

@anoteoftruth: Actually on the second thought they could use metal for the back since the antenna is on the outside now. Apple just would have to add some rubber isolation between the back and the sides.

@KLanD: Yes true, but all these are accessible with the iPhone. I assumed you meant Flash content since you were talking about the rich media the iPhone doesn't support.

That's what you get when you have to add a + and - to the buttons.

@anoteoftruth: The reception would be very bad with an aluminum back, I guess they learned from the fist iPhone.

@KLanD: It's not the "rich media" that adds up but YouTube, radio and video streams.

@chefgon: You're absolutely right, but something tells me that every provider will cut the unlimited data plans in the near future.

@katypee001: For the size of the device it's actually pretty good. Unless you want to compare it to a dedicated video camera.

@vitriolix: They posted a video yesterday of an iPhone 4 being dropped (chest high) 3 times in a row. It only broke the 4th time. I would say that's good enough for me.

@ss3: I have heard of people falling 30 feet and suffer only bruises and a friend of mine broke his leg and ankle by "falling" of the sidewalk.

@blu_goku: Not every custumer rep. is qualified to do his job correctly.

@JEmlayUSA: Dude, chill out. Nobody forces you to buy that thing. Geez.

@jiznerdo: "I think this will also help me avoid problems such as a censored app store"

@konfused: Why would you return a good product over a minor problem?

@nosebleed: I agree, there's a reason the bumper was introduced in the keynote. They should have coupon inside the box for you to get the color you want.