
@Frank Mahnke: 27 out of 600000+ devices. With that attitude you shouldn't buy anything at all!

Awesome, when do they test other phones?

Everything is possible if you try hard enough.

@Nabaraj: Obviously you didn't get my hint.

@Mr_Biggles: How does that make us better than him?

@daPrinz: sorry, should say our butts

@The homeless vampire: @The homeless vampire: No, the reason is the population that pays for those pictures. We regular people don't have paparazzis up my butt because nobody gives a frell about us.

@bonedog73: It wasn't too long ago that you had slavery in the USA. It still doesn't make it right.

Soon you'll get a kill switch implanted in your body.

I understand that unlimited data can become a problem to a provider.

@Nabaraj: See first response

@olternaut: That's not Apple's fault though. The US wireless world has always been behind Europe and Japan. Same thing with broadband internet.

@brillow: Give me a break. As if Apple is the only company accepting pre orders. Getting something pre ordered or buying it the day it comes out is the same thing.

@JohnnyricoMC: Nowhere in my post did I state that Apple developed USB, music subscriptions or app store. I said they pioneered.

@Tyrunn: And if you guys are smart you better stay off the Euro.

@Nabaraj: Mindless persons tend to write stupid comments on posts they should simple ignore.

I'm so over the death penalty discussions. It pretty much sums to one thing. If you are pro capital punishment you're an animal and anti social.

"Major update: Exclusive:"

@olternaut: Video calling has been pretty normal in Europe since the beginning of this century.

@brillow: You know, when a company successfully pioneers in USB, Firewire, electronic music store, electronic app store, people tend to realize that MAYBE someone in that company is doing a damn good job.