
@Tyrunn: Yes, I'm sure the US is the only country manufacturing in China. =)

Graphic design and professional print is done in 300dpi.

@DaSmith: Who are you kidding? This whole story only went mainstream because of the iPhone.

@natanku: From the warning label:

So a pre-release prototype broke.

Sometimes too much information can be contra-productive.

@EvilDroidClone: As far as I now you are responsible for your wifi network.

@crisclc: Name a factory in the US with 800,000 workers.

The soundtrack is mesmerizing.

Isn't understanding the English language a requirement to be a reporter? O wait, it's a blogger.

What about Sprint? Does it have the same CDMA technology as Verizon?

@daveywest: You hold reflectors on the opposite side of the light source.

@optimusprimerib: The right one actually still looks good. They don't usually stack them that nice.

@nexgenmax: Your history knowledge is remarkable.