
yeah, basically let your memories of the 90s cartoons remain intact and instead watch Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Spectacular Spider-man

is it crazy? I watched the first episode and fell asleep during it, but if it gets way more bananas i might be willing to give it another shot.

i saw it on saturday, and was pretty impressed how i thought it stayed true to the comics while being a bit of an update for a younger generation. I also really liked the animation style.

i mostly want someone to watch the show so they can tell me if that horrible child ever dies.

so you caught up on murder in the first!

having watched both seasons, those books must be just walking dumpster fires then, because the show, IT'S NOT GREAT BOB.

yeah, i understand that. i mean i still watched (not live though) and I was still browsing the internet while it was on, so I was only half paying attention and still kinda bored.

it was! he had a major heart failure, and begged the oldest brother to kill him instead of calling an ambulance.

did you not watch last week's episode? They definitely do reveal who the oldest brother killed.

I think it definitely would have. In one of the episode commentaries, Fuller said he wanted to open season 3 with Jaye in a psych ward.

Yeah, i definitely enjoyed those shows. I also really liked The Dectorists. It's such a small and fun little comedy series, and the first season is on Netflix.

yeah, sorry galavant. Your new show looks terrible and i hope it tanks faster so I can get in on the upcoming zombie apocalypse.

he must have had a pretty thorough bleaching routine.

according to imdb it was michael moore, but it's imdb, so maybe? besides what else has he got going on?

nancy grace is pretty terrible.

yeah, no tomorrow looks absolutely dreadful BUT it's on the CW so there's like 99% chance it gets renewed no matter how terrible it is.

Vampire Diaries
Criminal Minds
Pure Genius

nah, kevin can wait, is gonna be huuuge. people will just assume they're watching king of queens and leave it on while they drink away the pain!