
i feel like coven and freakshow had just as many characters as asylum, but the writers just never came up with interesting stories for them to follow so they basically just abandoned them halfway through each time.

i was trying to make a joke about the lack of bisexual representation on TV and clearly FAILED MISERABLY.

youre conflating two characters together. The asexual character just had a thing for the macabre. There was another character who has OCD. No one really had a thing for birdhouses, but hey when someone's giving away free birdhouses, you take free birdhouses.

yeah, unlike bisexuals though. totally made up. i mean when's the last time you've even seen one on tv.

adding taylor lautner is not a good way to get people to watch your show.

Poor Sirens, had a regular asexual character in their cast, and can't even get a mention.

Everybody else has already said Rogue One (YES) and Doctor Strange (DOUBLE YES), so i'm going to go with Moana.

yeah, i think it's actually funnier with the bleeps.

i don't think they need less episodes, but i think they need to treat the show a little more like a regular tv season instead of a 13 hour movie.

man, where are all these people in the reviews? I read the reviews and feel like the only person who only kinda likes this show.

After this trainwreck of a season, i bet UnReal has to bounce back really hard next season to get a fourth.

i don't believe it exists either because i watched No You shut up on youtube!

having never seen Real Time with Bill Maher, but knowing who Bill Maher is, I can't believe that's true.

huh, so that is a thing. man, we humans can make alcohol from literally anything. it has to be one of our greatest gifts.

Ryan Hansen might actually be the real life Henry Pollard.

FX should release a cut of each episode that's just features kevin Durand and the old man. I would watch the strain if it did that.

oh man, i'm so worried about getting sucked into another fucking season of the strain again, that unless the first episode gets an A, I'm not watching.

I thought i was the only one!

i thought he was garbage come to life!