
death looms for us all!

i hope you like Luke and his troubles with his daughter because season 7 doubles down on that!


We're not bringing our best though.

i just put the video on silent, and played X Gon Give it To ya in another window, and it kinda works.

But it has will sasso in it!

to be fair those cut corners weren't really done on purpose. the dude had the insurmountable task of taking over with basically no prep time. you can see in the behind the scenes stuff, he was just broken by those movies.

a) i am shocked there was actually source material for that movie, and b) after reading the synopsis of the short story on wikipedia how much they actually kept in the movie.

going postal was such a disappointment, they even had an okay cast!

see the first season was bad, but it was at least interesting bad. Sure it made little to no sense, and the ending was fucking nuts, but I was always shocked by the terrible choices they made.

i got Misunderstood Prophet which is only gonna fuel my delusions of grandeur!

i want to thank UnReal for having such a dumpster fire of a finale that it makes it very easy to just not watch next season. Sometimes shows will have a decent finale after a horrible season, and manage to sucker me back in for one more season, but not UnReal!

and smart TV's apps and it's wifi are fucking terrible. I had my router 4 feet away and my stupid smart TV still constantly dropped netflix every 10 minutes.

Back then I can definitely see them being skeptical about it, especially since it was witnessed by so few and even newspapers and scientific American were all "okay wright brothers, whatever you say" but now it does seem a little ridiculous to hold on to that claim.

apparently those angry teen brazilians are right. The Wright Brothers were super secretive about their plane because they were worried about people stealing their ideas because they didn't have a patent and this was their only means of making money. Thus, a lot of their flights weren't seen by a lot of people and were

i don't know how cocaine is gonna help anything.

just buy a dupont product

Quinn telling rachel that she loves her and firing her was the only moment this entire season i believed, and liked it!

i saw wrath of khan much later in life, and it had been hyped up so much, so when i finally saw it, "this shit is kinda goofy."