The first seas—er…trilogy was great, visually mesmerizing, and groundbreaking; the second se—trilogy was unbelievably over-complicated, featured a terrible lead performance, and had atrocious dialogue!
*crosses arms*
The first seas—er…trilogy was great, visually mesmerizing, and groundbreaking; the second se—trilogy was unbelievably over-complicated, featured a terrible lead performance, and had atrocious dialogue!
*crosses arms*
There's an even larger misunderstanding at play here: noir isn't a genre. Neither is pulp, for that matter. They're both styles. Film noirs aren't held together by a common setting, actions, or characters or general content (though they often feature similar content). They're defined by their visual style and mood.…
I'm no law expert, but wasn't their apprehension of those documents incredibly illegal, even in a "special" state investigation? If so, that would make any information they find in those documents invalid in a court of law. Didn't they have strong enough evidence (Caspere's GPS alone) to show up with a search warrant…
His review is just awful. He doesn't address one thing (good or bad) from tonight's episode, which offered a huge (and surprisingly not stilted) info dump on the who Caspere-Catalyst-sex party situation via Pitlor and a three month time jump, amongst other things.
He should be ashamed, no one gives a fuck about that…
I really cannot believe all the criticism this episode is getting. The one-two punch of last week's shootout and this episode has positively rejuvenated this season. There's real leads, progress and breakthroughs — True Detective is back!
What's most alarming is how little critics are addressing the episode itself.…
Fuck Fop.
"His twee, effeminate delivery"? Twee?? I think Tenant's delivery is anything but twee. I find it to be rather hard, confident and bitchy in addition to effeminate. "Sophisticated, effeminate delivery" is a much better description.