
I agree. They veered into brainless bro-territory on that one.

Can't believe they remade this Charles Band-classic!

I knew I wasn't going to see this film when I read this on Atkinsons wonderfully acidic review on the Village Voice:

What a bummer. And with his announcement of taking a "leave of presence" just a few days ago makes this news (weirdly enough) more of a bummer.

Some minor quibble here but psychosis is not the same thing as psychopathy. There is nothing to suggest that Matt is psychotic, and everything that he is in fact a shrewd psychopath. 

Rosenbaum and Michael Atkinson are my favorite film critics from the US. Apart from them I can't say that I have that much respect for other critics/writers on cinema even if I read a lot of reviews from different authors every day. Rosenbaum can occasionally make weird comments/judgments about movies and like most

I was thinking the same thing initially, 19centuryman, but the documentary in itself doesn't examine or study obsession. Its main talking "pundits" may or may not be crazy, obsessed fans of "The Shining" but the main thrust is to present us viewers with five speaking voices analyzing the movie (the symbolic language,

And another thing. "Room 237" absorbing quality must be partially credited to the source material, i.e. "The Shining".

I agree(d) with Rosenbaum's take on this one but I still can't deny that "Room 237" had me completely enthralled while I was watching it. I suspect though that I won't remember it much in just a couple of months from now. It has very little to offer as a documentary piece. On the other hand, that is exactly how I feel

Hairy Cruise, although I wrote that word I don't dare to Google-image it.

Zzzz? So much worthless and hipsterish (not a word) ironic posturing in here. Or are you member of the comment police policing what should or should not be discussed?

Yes, you're right. What am I talking about! A bureaucratic free market entity like the EU that forces its member countries to loosen up decade old labor laws and remove progressive market regulations is truly a leftist fantasy that only libertarians would find questionable.

Yes. Only libertarians acknowledge that the EU is a bloated institution structured primarily to facilitate corporate power of decades old labor struggles. Ugh! Crawl back to your Tory-hole please.

Although it was quite some time ago I saw it I remember Gilliam battling bureaucratic entities within the European Union who were paying for the whole thing. And that (trusting EU bureaucrats) seemed to be his primary undoing, more than hiring an aging French actor with back problems and struggling to adapt to poorly

No sweet Baby. Jason Heller wrote it for you in mind. And he definitely needs you and Daddy policing the comment section for any undesirable opinions. The purpose of this comment section is to agree with the writers taste and opinions whatever they may be, not to (in a preferably friendly fashion) discuss or disagree

I surely did. He did soulless, white boy soul music, seemingly for the sole purpose of having it played in commercials.


All this namedropping is reviving memories indeed. The mid to late 90s was surely a shitty era for British pop music. I didn't know it back then obviously and I still have all the classics like "Dog Man Star", "Park Life", "Definitely Maybe" on my record collection. Thank god for the American lo fi and punk rock scene

This essay about Elastica has brought back memories from my youthful days when I still would/could be passionate about music and have the energy to hate specific recording artists. I remember now! I hated Oasis and Blur. I really hated them and resented the spotlight they hogged from other, better deserving artists.

My favorite bands on Matador were GbV and Pavement.