I’m not going to use my time to tell you you’re wrong. I’m going to use my time to tell you that you’re a piece of nazi sucking shit.
I’m not going to use my time to tell you you’re wrong. I’m going to use my time to tell you that you’re a piece of nazi sucking shit.
Nobody cares about you lickin’ Elon’ huevos, chief.
The elmostans are calling his nazi salute “throwing his heart to the crowd”? Seriously? What a bunch of stupid fucking twats. If you have a CT, you get the hate you deserve.
Ohmygod Alfa Romeo is dead. Just let it die. Ditto Maserati. Ditto Jaguar. Ditto so many brands that had their heyday back in the 70s and 80s. Just let them die.
To be honest, 1.50/gal gas would still not make me switch. The only reason I havent made the jump already is my two fully functioning and paid off ICE cars that we drive less than 10k miles per year combined. We have solar and want to use excess that we dont get paid shit for to go to a battery and an EV will pull…
You’ve got to give them credit for at least attempting to have a spine, unlike a lot of corporate America who are terrified of the Y’allqueda movement in this country.
Oh Rivian....you naive little child. There’s a boatload of stuff this Admin could pull to make your claim look foolish. None of these are good policy, but when the whole goal of this Admin is F#ck You, I Said So....none of that matters:
I literally picked up a Polestar 2 in 2021 explicitly because I couldn’t stand Elon Musk and I wanted an EV. Ever since, he’s only further dug Tesla’s grave.
Hey, just because you’re not a chickenshit coward afraid of your own shadow and will fire at anyone or anything because you’re so paranoid doesn’t mean... er.. shit, I don’t know how to finish this sentence, so I’m just gonna end it...... here.
This country’s gun culture is fucking off-the-rails absurd.
I was literally having this conversation with my wife this morning. Honda likely overtook Harley in U.S. sales for the first time in 2024. We won’t know for sure until Harley’s Q4 sales data comes out next month.
With the 100% tariffs on Chinese vehicles, even Ray Charles could see that the US learned nothing from propping up Harley Davidson to save it from Japanese motorcycles that were lighter, faster, less expensive, had better fuel economy, actually innovated, and were better in every way. And then again when Japanese auto…
We have a 2021 Model 3. The car is paid off, and I would love to swap it for something else (purely for vanity, admittedly...I am a car nut after all), but the value of those have also taken a jump off a cliff to the point where I’ll just drive it into the ground instead.
Didn’t they start Making America Great Again with those hats? So moving stuff to sweatshops abroad :D.
Stop trying to apply logic to Trumpism. They’re mutually exclusive terms.
The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored.
I love the design of the Polestar 2 and was lucky to take advantage of the cheap lease deals over the summer. It’s been an amazing car so far and can’t seem to pry the keys from my wife, but that’s a different story. Anyways, I would love another Polestar once the lease runs out but the 3 and upcoming 7 are SUVs, and…