
Most of his companies are based entirely on taxpayer subsidies: We pay for SpaceX through massive government contracts and we subsidize his obsolete cars through subsidies. The main reason Twitter is in worse shape is because that’s the only one of his mismanaged tentacles we aren’t paying for through taxes.

Ever year for my middle management job at my company I have to complete a survey declaring whether or not I have any business dealings or investment with any company competitors. If I did, I would probably face serious questions from the company and could possibly lose my job or forced to take a lower level position.

The majority of their net earnings for the quarter was made up by regulatory credits. I have a feeling that Tesla pulled some of those credit sales forward into the quarter to prevent the results from looking more dismal. Likely selling credits at a discounted price to get other automakers to stock up.

This makes

And now Musk has reneged on his $45 mill/month to Trump. His “reasoning”? He doesn’t believe in the “cult of personality”.

we’ve always managed to easily exceed Lucid’s own range and efficiency ratings, so perhaps this updated range is closer to Rawlinson’s holy grail than the numbers might make it seem.”

If current EV market is 8% and Tesla is less than 50% of that, I don’t think they are 5% of total sales, they are less than 4%.

Tesla is losing market share in EVs faster than the EV market is growing.  So far this year, in both Q1 and Q2, they sold less than they sold in Q1 and Q2 last year.  down 8.5% in Q1, and 5% in Q2.  It’s to the point that their drop in sales is making the EV market’s growth look quite a bit slower than it actually is

5% is a very broad number when talking about total market of vehicles sold. You need to break that down to at least the nearest basis point to make it something meaningful to shareholders and market experts. Because for example, the same 5% this year and last year could actually be 5.49% last year versus 4.50% this

The Tesla line-up is very old.

The Model S absolutely still looks terrible compared to a Taycan.

^This comment should be a slideshow!

And the irony of course is that often times the most successful ideas are the ones that are new and “out of the box”. That’s why they got everyone’s attention in the first place (including the investors). 

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

And leave Annapolis?  Nofuckingway!

Have you looked at housing costs in any major US city recently?

“We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed...”

You’re assuming Elon actually cares about sustaining and growing Tesla, which he demonstrably doesn’t. He cares about his white supremacist hobby horses and petty grudges, which makes the two of them a perfect match.

If Elon were to board his dick-rocket and leave Earth, would he be missed?

Tesla’s biggest argument for convincing people to vote for his pay package is that if they don’t he might start ghosting his job.

Every time Elon gets sued an angel gets it’s wings.