
Biden has presided over more deaths than Trump. They had the CDC change quarantine recs. He prematurely said drop all your masks. He claims they didn't see delta or Omicron coming. And his admin and hangers on don't even think about pausing school to slow disastrous deadly waves. Other than that, Biden has been great! 

Due to vaccine apartheid, we'll be awash in variants. Domestic vaccination in the US is important to be sure, but this is a global pandemic and we've made no serious effort to help other countrie around the world. China, Russia, and Cuba have done more. 

Sure, and even more have elected a man who is just letting COVID rip. So really, what's the difference? 

Their trick is to just never offer up that $35k version of the Model 3.  Oh, that?  My lord, that was just an internet rumor!

But I was told manufacturing BEVs was so much simpler.  Less parts, less complexity.  The future is here!  Yet I can get new cars for $25k out the door, but they are gas powered. 

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. A related question: Is Tesla using non-automotive grade chips? Tesla reports they used all manner of chips and rewrote their software to adapt to the chip supplies. That always struck me as potentially problematic.

Panasonic made their batteries and CATL does in China.  Still suppliers for some important shit!

Tesla builds them tent tough.

Desantis is working on a pardon, likely to get him high level government job.

Quality becomes a problem at the scales Tesla is hitting because they have not put an investment in service to match their growth.  That will start to burn people and thus the brand’s reputation. 

Beautiful.  Of course, it just marks us as old.  I bet the youngins think it looks just fine.

Musk never met a government hand out he didn’t like.

Here’s a very short article with a Massachusetts angle that goes with the both sider-ism apporach of journalism:

To say nothing of all the dang dogs that people leave out with their invisible fences.  

Olden days: We’re a great finance company that just happens to make cars.

Clicking through all the varieties of VW (and other cars) that China has access too, I wonder if we’ll ever get CDM imports here in the US?

I started going out to get coffee more frequently when we were really weren’t going anywhere and the kids were home all day doing online school.  It just provide a nice break in the day.  Now it’s back to an occasional weekend treat or during a road trip.

If we’re out and getting coffee or the fam wants something special on the weekend, I get myself a drip.

I have a friend that loves his Bolt. Lives in Newton, MA so most trips aren’t super long and he never has range anxiety. And he considers the full battery replacement and new warranty that comes with it a huge bonus instead of a potential PITA. Based on his recs I’ve thought about a Bolt. I also have a reservation for