Here’s a very short article with a Massachusetts angle that goes with the both sider-ism apporach of journalism:
Here’s a very short article with a Massachusetts angle that goes with the both sider-ism apporach of journalism:
To say nothing of all the dang dogs that people leave out with their invisible fences.
Olden days: We’re a great finance company that just happens to make cars.
Clicking through all the varieties of VW (and other cars) that China has access too, I wonder if we’ll ever get CDM imports here in the US?
I started going out to get coffee more frequently when we were really weren’t going anywhere and the kids were home all day doing online school. It just provide a nice break in the day. Now it’s back to an occasional weekend treat or during a road trip.
If we’re out and getting coffee or the fam wants something special on the weekend, I get myself a drip.
I have a friend that loves his Bolt. Lives in Newton, MA so most trips aren’t super long and he never has range anxiety. And he considers the full battery replacement and new warranty that comes with it a huge bonus instead of a potential PITA. Based on his recs I’ve thought about a Bolt. I also have a reservation for…
The rules around neighborhoods varies regarding street sweeping and side parking. Each area has it’s own quirks. But if there’s a lot of snow, prepare for blood sport over shoveled out spots. Never, ever take a spot you didn’t shovel out.
Charging can be a pain in the ass in the city though. If all he'll have is Street parking, good luck with that.
If he lives in the city, lose the car, get a T pass, and rent a car or bum a ride when you need one. Zip car can be your best friend. I had several friends who Street parked in Boston sell their cars after their first winter. It's not worth it.
Thanks for the really detailed reply. I've noticed lots of flats of beer in my local packy going back to the distributor, but this info really paints a picture of market dynamics.
Any brand will have a hard time holding share, the options are honestly overwhelming in both beer and seltzer when I go to my local packy. But I'd believe the seltzers still have momentum as an overall product category.
I hope Two Brothers expands to hard seltzers.
Tastes are subjective. I prefer my G&Ts with Polar Diet Tonic. I find the corn syrup or sugar sweetened stuff too cloying now.
If I were a Tesla owner or prospective buyer, I would be wary of their declining service. Plenty of sales with no investment in expanding service is a recipe for very unhappy current and future customers:
Maybe it’s the dog owner in me, but I wish more effort went into high quality cloth seats. They take a beating better and clean up just fine. Dog claws and pleather are not a good mix.
SuperCruise is comparable or surpasses FSD. FSD is overhyped garbage from what I’ve seen of it. I do agree that people buying Teslas are cross shoping with luxury vehicles. Teslas aren’t cheap by any stretch. A nice BMW 3 or Audi A4 are likely comparable in price to a Model 3.
Need the Jalopnik staff to pull a Defector.
Generally useful to check sites like CR for general reliability. I don't think it's as actively maintained, but has been a great resource to consult on user reported problems with makes and models.
Interesting local price differences. Here in the burbs of Boston I paid $4.49 for the Dunks eggs yesterday and the Bucks sous video eggs are $4.65.