
The Versa is a bad car.  I had a newer one as a rental recently and it was worse than my ten year old Mazda 3 in all respects.  MPG?  Worse.  Comfort?  Worse. Handling?  Worse.   Literally nothing on this new rental was better than anything on my 10 YO hatch.  Well, maybe the cleanliness of the seats and the wear on

I’m a huge Mazda-stan, but I find their interiors to be well thought out and completely functional. Functions have a less is more ethos. Dials, buttons, and controls are all streamlined (I have a 2009 3 and a 2016 6).

Imagine if Tesla just did the software and batteries (well, Panasonic) and Mazda did the rest? Zoom fucking zoom!

Shit, I also don’t know about this show. I guess I’m peak Burneko demo. 

We're onto pumpkin picking this week. Yeah, not gonna talk about apples. Any questions about pumpkins? 

This line of thinking is solid. You can’t (to my knowledge) gamble online over high school sports, but I’m well aware of bookies in bars in Metrowest Boston that take action on amateur sports and set lines. What we might have here is an epidemic of Pete Rose clones trying to cover the spread and hit the under.

It’s really about undermining labor at every corner. Manufacturing vehicles in Mexico saves little in the way of labor, but a substantial amount in tariffs.

The sport of kings has truly fallen on hard times.  Hell, grabbing a racing form and trying to decipher it for informed betting involves reading.  But on a nice day at a track you might get a race every 20 minutes, which allows plenty of time for reading and placing bets in between 90 second bursts of activity.  

I’d love to know what kind of parking situation you have in metro Boston that makes it more attractive to drive into the city than park in an MBTA lot.  

Look, we all know the real answer is to pull a full pot of strong, black coffee. Pour that into a gourd of your choice. Pumpkin? Okay cupcake. Me? I’m a delicata guy. Really gourdy goodness. Tastes like fall. And that’s important since we might not have fall soon.

I do say that’s a useful bit of wisdom passed down via the Kinja.

Perhaps BBB should have just contracted their manufacturing to AND1.  Ebay knockoffs are more reliable than that trash.

Look at what a cesspool Google has become. Please good people, do the free work that Google is far too cheap to do. 

Ummmm.............................................................................................. what? 

I have friends that serve turkey burgers. All the mayo in the world cannot save that atrocity. 

No silly, you have to press apples to make soup du pomme. Some people call it apple cider, but that's because they're uncultured. 

I can't be the only American driving around in a 2009 Mazda 3 MT hatch, can I? 

I’m flabbergasted that a French Automaker can sell a new car for $8k Euros. That’s unbelievably cheap.

As a hard core drinking professional I must say that this will barely get you buzzed. But you give it a Vodka floater and then you're in business.