Technical foul for hanging on the rim and unnecessary celebration.
Technical foul for hanging on the rim and unnecessary celebration.
I disagree. Tesla is liquidating inventory and continues to fire staff. You don’t kill sales and marketing when you try to go mass market. Those are necessary expenses when you try to sell outside niche channels.
I hope that lease trade in is a few months from now. That way you can wait for the unraveling. Tesla is out of business in 2019. Today’s move confirmed it.
UNC was ahead of the curve on this issue, instituting fake classes that students didn’t even have to attend. Such an iconic and prestigious tradition, that’s why they’re the best.
The problem with Nurkic is that the effort isn’t always there. He shows flashes of really great play, then can come up empty on random nights.
No, that’s regulated at the state level. Massachusetts is one of the few states to mandate that all forms of payment be accepted, and SweetGreens abandoned their credit only policy when the Boston Globe came knocking on their door:
If Lebron wanted to play with AD so much, he could have just signed with New Orleans and become an instant fucking legend down there. But no, Lebron has to go to the Lakers for his own reasons and then try to bend the league to his will. I love the Pelicans trashing his current, and perhaps only team, in the process.
He could be like Jeb 2.0. It would be fun to watch him incinerate a bunch of money to learn that people really, really, don’t like him.
The Feds leave it up to the states to decide whether to enforce the acceptance of cash as payment at retail establishments. Massachusetts law mandates that businesses must accept cash, but it’s not common knowledge that this is the case.
I think Elon is really going to regret that cutesy bankwupt tweet not long ago. The growth story is over and they seem to be pivoting to cash preservation. Lineup becomes less complex, manufacturing slowdowns, supercharger rate increases, and an end to their referral programs?
Even though it sucks at times, the commuter rail is so much better than rolling the dice and driving into town. I tend to only drive in when I have meetings on the wrong side of the Charles or the timing of the MBTA doesn’t work out for me. I wish we had way more public transit.
I forget about the full service only every time I’m in NJ. And then some guy starts yelling and waving his hands at me all of a sudden.
I agree that we like our tolls, but disagree that we don’t maintain our toll roads here in the Commonwealth. The Pike sees a ton of traffic and gets repaired quite a bit. And the removal of toll booths has helped relieve some bottle necks (no it’s not perfect). I’ve driven the toll roads around New York and NJ…
I would say we nearly reached the stage of the famous Chomsky trade. His investment advice was essentially to look at what the government was funding in the defense and healtcare spaces, and invest in that. Governments worldwide have been investing in this type of technology since the 1970s and DARPA really upped…
So get on your God damn knees!
Is Acura even considered a luxury brand? I don’t think so personally, but maybe I’m wrong.
Sure, sure. But from a consumer point of view, I’m not in the market for a garbage truck or a diesel tractor trailer vehicle. And the Mercedes brand means something different in non-consumer markets, where performance per cost is the biggest consideration.
The idea of an affordable, new Mercedes sort of defeats the whole point of the whole brand.
Wait, so did you like the review? I need some clarity here.