
You contend because who knows what the injury bug portends? Steph Curry is 30 years old and has a history of ankle injuries. Iguadola couldn’t play and people said that’s why they could have maybe lost to the Rockets. An ACL could make the Warriors vulnerable.

Amen. Now I can listen to Neil Young the way Neil Young intended.

Questions are being raised, but not really in the main media outlets.  The language used for success in particular is raising lots of questions like you’re asking here.  Nobody knows what “Factory Gated” means for example.  Did they actually build 5000 Model S cars from start to finish or like you said here, hold some

Nah, he was looking at a lower end model. He decided to take delivery on a much more expensive model S after getting his deposit check back. I’m still trying to talk him out of that. Delivery date estimate for the Model S he ordered is end of July/early August.  I told him let’s wait until H1 2019 to purchase to see

Let’s hope they’re not counting a reservation deposit as revenue.  I convinced a friend to withdraw his because it seems that Tesla is treating it as petty cash.  Reservations are not in escrow and do not earn interest, red flags from my perspective.  Given all of the news I convinced my friend that it would be better

Elon was declaring a pick up truck on Twitter today. Seems like a lot of positive news intended to foam the runway for a sad Q2 report.

I have a friend with a grueling commute in metro-Boston and she loves her up optioned Sonata.  She said the heated and cooling seats are comfy and that’s all I care about when I’m just fighting heavy traffic/gridlock from point A to point B.  

I had a ton of Sky Commander stuff too. My bedroom had so many laser cables or whatever running across it.

I was pretty jealous of my friend when he got the monowheel vehicle from Spiral Zone.  It’s the only thing I can even remember from that cartoon, but this DARPA thread brought it to the foreground.  

Hello, DARPA?  This is my grant proposal.  Fund me.

Cute attempt France.  This is how it’s really done.

Honda, Geely, Hyundai to name a few. 

Scott Pollard is rolling over in his grave.

Duh,they’re all gluten free.

I don’t usually vote, but I’m making an exception to that policy this year.

Mr. Bean? You know you only drive classic Minis.

Hey, I use Expedia! <looks in mirror> Oh, right.

As crazy as it sounds, I bet the Saudis are corrupt enough to make Lebron a billionaire playing hoops in front of almost nobody. Let’s get this rumor going!

Agreed. There’s no reaction beyond plow into stationary large object. Even a glancing blow would be better than a direct hit that we’re witnessing from reports in the news and this video.

Nobody will acquire them, the market ca isn’t justified and conventional manufacturers already can beat them at their own game.